Competition: Win sci-fi thriller ‘Avarice’ on DVD!
50 years ago, a mysterious black box falls to earth from space. A woman wakes up in the middle of the night and sneaks out of her bedroom so as not to wake her sleeping husband, stealing a black box from the bedside table. Her lover waits outside and as the two are about to take off into the night, they are discovered by the husband, who they promptly shoot and kill. The husband is the first of many victims to come as a result of the greed and corruption the black box will bring to anyone who claims it.
Starring Kevin Sorbo (Hercules), Jason London (Dazed and Confused) and Tinsel Korey (Twilight), Avarice is out now on DVD from new UK distributor Cockerel Entertainment – buy it here: – and we have FIVE copies to giveaway!
To win a copy of Avarice on DVD, just answer the following question:
Who co-starred with Kevin Sorbo on the Tv show Hercules? Was it:
a) Lou Ferrigno
b) Steve Reeves
c) Michael Hurst
Email your answer to, making sure to include your name and address. You can also leave your answer on our Facebook page, just make sure to like us first or your entry will be invalid.
Competition closes March 25th 2016.