09th Feb2016

365Flicks Podcast – Episode 27: Gets Gamey

by Phil Wheat


Here’s the latest episode of the 365Flick podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly. If you haven’t heard the show yet, you can check out previous episodes on Podomatic and Libsyn, whilst we’ll be featuring each and every new episode as it premieres.

365Flicks Podcast – Episode 27: Gets Gamey. First, Last and Best, News, HD1Jump Talks Live Stream, Top3 Worst Movies From Games

This time on the 365Flicks Podcast we introduce an old friend of Kevs. We are joined by Haze Red Mist (Chris Hayes) and because we are joined by Chris we decide to wax lyrical on Games that’s right folks a Gamey Episode. We start with a getting to know our guest host, with a new section called First, Last and Best where we talk about the First, Last and Best games we ever played. Our typical brand of News Round-Up follows this with the odd rant. Then we are interrupted to bring you all a call to arms from the great people over at HD1Jump and the Weekly Jump Podcast. Peter Kendall joins us to talk about his awesome charity gaming stream. We end the show with our Top3 Worst Movies based on Games and a little talk on Games we would love to see made into movies. Thank You to guest host Chris Hayes and to Peter Kendall for joining us to talk about his stream.

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