08th Jan2016

‘Aimy in a Cage’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Stars: Crispin Glover, Allisyn Ashley Arm, Terry Moore, Paz de la Huerta, Michael William Hunter, Theodore Bouloukos, Sara Murphy, Gabby Tary, Rick Montgomery Jr., Charles Everett Tacker, Maria Deasy | Written and Directed by Hooroo Jackson


I like weird films, and because of this fact I tend to experience some truly strange and unique movies. Aimy in a Cage may be a step too far into the “weird” for some, but if you are a fan of the likes of A Clockwork Orange it may just push the right buttons for you.

Aimy Micry (Allisyn Ashley Arm) is a free spirited artistic girl who lives with her grandma (Terry Moore) who hates her. Seemingly out of control, her Grandmother and the rest of her family and friends use different methods to try and control Aimy, while an oncoming plague threatens to kill them all.

Aimy in a Cage is a film that takes some time to acclimatise yourself to, and for this reason some may not find that it fits their taste. If you give it time though you begin to empathise with Aimy and her situation, especially when she appears to be the only truly sane person in the apartment. Add to that the fact the whole film takes place in the apartment which restricts the “Cage” that traps Aimy adds a feeling of claustrophobia.

What becomes endearing about the film is the fact Aimy is very easy to empathise with, and you soon begin to dislike the people around her. An example of this would be the grandmother played by screen legend Terry Moore who likes to terrorise the main character. Putting her through an illegal lobotomy style procedure mixed with electroshock therapy to make her behave like a “normal” person. The fact this never succeeds shows the strength of the artistic nature.

What makes Aimy in a Cage work is the impressive cast, especially Allisyn Ashley Arm who plays the lead character. Crispin Glover makes an appearance as a very sleazy character and he plays the part very well. It says a lot about Glover and his choice of roles that just his presence adds to the eccentric feel of the film though I did feel his character’s story never really manages to find a conclusion.

As I mentioned in the intro, Aimy in a Cage has a definite A Clockwork Orange feel to it, even down to the music. For the most part the film is about the outsider having to survive a society which sees itself as normal, even though it is anything but that. There are elements of many other cult movies hidden away in the film for people who take the time to notice them, but to be fair the audience will be too busy trying to keep up with what is actually going in.

The fact is, Aimy in a Cagee is an artistic movie where both the style is heavy as is the dialogue. There is a lot to take in, and a lot to understand, so it’s fair to say that your brain has to be turned on for this one. There are plenty of themes at play that do make for an interesting film, but for me it is the one about the freedom to be who you are which wins out. I think that Aimy in a Cage will be one of those movies where you either connect with its meaning and love it, or just see it as a jumbled mess. Far from being that, this is a truly odd and manic experience that will speak to the oddballs of society.

Well worth a watch, even if it doesn’t fit your taste Aimy in a Cages a truly unique experience.

****½  4.5/5


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