SPOILER ALERT: Funko Pop! figure offers ‘Civil War’ spoilers
This past week you may have seen some images floating around the interwebs of the new Pop! and Dorbz figures Funko are releasing in the next couple of months for Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War. And whilst a number of sites (including Bleeding Cool) ran images of the Agent 13, Scarlet Witch, Crossbones and Black Panther figures, there was one figure conspicously missing… and one that has, if you follow LEGO news, already been spoilered across the ‘net,
Are you sure? Really? Keep scrolling.
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Yes, whilst we know that Ant-Man was set to make an appearance in Captain America: Civil War, especially given the teaser during the credits of Avengers: Age of Ultron, what hasn’t been revealed – until now – is that his other “form” Giant-Man, would also be appearing in the film… Now what about Wasp?
As you can see from the image below, Funko will be releasing the Gian Man Pop! figure in their six-inch super-sized style. Check it out: