20th May2015

The Scream Cast – Episode 61: The Fury Road Of Satan’s Blade

by Phil Wheat


Welcome to the latest episode of The ScreamCast! Each episode sees hosts Sean Duregger and Brad Henderson review a Scream Factory release, however this week the ScreamCast gang are doing things a little differently and taking a look at not one but THREE Scream Factory releases…

In a rare turn of events, we cover our first theatrical release. I mean, everyone’s talking about MAD MAX: FURY ROAD and why shouldn’t we (100% SPOILER FREE)?! Brian Saur also returns from his bed of sickness to help Sean and Brad discuss the obscure slasher SATAN’S BLADE along with a plethora of films that have arrived on our doorstep.

Don’t forget to check out TheScreamCast.com for the show notes and for more news and reviews of Scream Factory releases and make sure to follow them on Twitter too!


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