13th May2015

First trailer & poster for ‘Jem and the Holograms’ live-action movie

by Phil Wheat

OK so maybe I’m a sucker for films based on 80s pop culture properties, but not even I ever expected a Hollywood live-action remake of an Eighties cartoon primarily aimed at girls (although confession time, yes I did used to watch the show on Saturday mornings!). However with director Jon M. Chu at the helm I’m sure this new version of Jem and the Holograms will be a hit – after all, this is the man who directed my favourite “guilty pleasure” Step Up 2: The Streets AND the fantastic G.I. Joe sequel, G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

As a small-town girl catapults from underground video sensation to global superstar, she and her three sisters begin a one-in-a-million journey of discovering that some talents are too special to keep hidden. In Universal Pictures’ Jem and the Holograms, four aspiring musicians will take the world by storm when they see that the key to creating your own destiny lies in finding your own voice.

Starring Aubrey Peeples, Stefanie Scott, Aurora Perrineau, Hayley Kiyoko, Ryan Guzman, Molly Ringwald and Juliette Lewis, Jem and The Holograms will release in UK cinemas December 21st.




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