06th Jul2014

Tristan Risk & Bobbie Phillips join Canadian horror ‘Save Yourself’

by Phil Wheat


Director Ryan M. Andrews have announced that American Mary star Tristan Risk is joining the powerhouse ensemble of Canadian talent already cast in Save Yourself, which shoots this summer. Risk joins the previously announced cast of Jessica Cameron (Truth Or Dare), Ry Barrett (The Demolisher), Tianna Nori (Clean Break) and Sydney Kondruss (The Drownsman).

Regarding Risk, Andrews says:

The Soska’s film American Mary was arguably the biggest indie film of last year and Tristan Risk’s character ‘Beatrice’ was a stand out performance. The character was so unique and interesting. Risk played it perfectly, and to have a talent like her bringing her edge and attitude to Save Yourself is truly exciting.

Since American Mary, Risk has been involved with more than half a dozen new films including Canadian Grindhouse company Astron 6’s film The Editor. About joining the cast of Save Yourself, Risk said:

I’m so thrilled to be doing this since it’s got some great traditional horror elements with girls road tripping and running afoul some folks of a deviant nature, but also because of its other qualities. I think this will surprise quite a few people and continue a proud tradition with Canadian genre.


Also appearing in Save Yourself are Caleigh LeGrand (Late Night Double Feature), Bea Santos (Antisocial) and there’s a special appearance from veteran star Bobbie Phillips [pictured above], whose credits include Wes Craven’s Carnival Of Souls, Showgirls, Evil Breed, The X-Files and many more. Phillips says:

I’m thrilled to be joining the cast of Save Yourself and looking forward to working with the delightfully twisted Ryan Andrews, Jessica Cameron and the rest of the bloody talented T.O. cast & crew.

As a fan of all things Canadian horror I for one can’t wait for Save Yourself… More news as we have it.


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