17th Apr2014

WWE RAW: Results & Review (14.4.14)

by Chris Cummings


A week ago we saw the post-WrestleMania RAW which featured plenty of memorable moments and set the wheels in motion for a new era of WWE to begin, so this week was one that I was excited to see.

Sadly, since his appearance on last weeks’ episode of RAW, The Ultimate Warrior passed away due to events related with heart disease. This week’s episode begins with the WWE roster on the stage, showing respect for the fallen Hall of Famer as the bell tolls ten times. Another pro-wrestler gone far too soon.

The match results:

  • RVD beat Alberto Del Rio in an I-C tournament qualifying match
  • Rybaxel defeated Cody Rhodes & Goldust
  • Paige beat Alicia Fox via submission
  • The Uso’s vs. Randy Orton & Batista went to a no-contest
  • Cesaro pinned Mark Henry in an I-C tournament qualifying match
  • Alexander Rusev squashed Xavier Woods
  • Sheamus beat Jack Swagger in an I-C tournament qualifying match
  • Fandango & Layla beat Santino & Emma
  • Bad News Barrett pinned Dolph Zigger in an I-C tournament qualifying match
  • The Shield vs. 11 WWE Superstars went to a no-contest

The matches tonight were decent, especially the qualifying matches in the tournament to determine the number one contender to the I-C title. Barrett and Ziggler worked a top notch match in which the fans chanted “this is awesome” during it. Rusev was booked as a monster again, which is a good thing for him right now, but I look forward to when we can see more of his capabilities in the ring. Paige beat Alicia Fox with her wonderful modified scorpion cross-lock.

The Cena/Bray Wyatt feud was continued here, with a good Wyatt promo followed by the usual rubbish comedy routine from John Cena who mocked The Wyatt Family instead of helping them look like genuine threats. Cena challenged Wyatt to a steel cage match for Extreme Rules. Wyatt accepted.

Paul Heyman cut a promo about Brock Lesnar ending the streak which got him a lot of heat before he introduced his new client, Cesaro. The King of Swing went on to defeat Mark Henry to advance in the I-C title tourney.

Daniel Bryan wasn’t on this show because he was on his honeymoon with Brie “Bryan” Bella after their wedding last week. They did tease a possible match between Bryan and Kane though, with Stephanie admonishing Kane before he snapped and grabbed his mask, signifying a probable masked Kane return.

The show ended with 11 heels against The Shield, a match that went to a no-contest after the music of Evolution hit and Orton, Batista and Triple H made their way to the ring and attacked Rollins, Reigns & Ambrose. The show went off the air with The Shield lying on the mat as Evolution posed above them.

The show also featured many Ultimate Warrior clips from his career as a tribute to his work in the WWE(F).

A decent show that helped continue things nicely. New matches were made for the upcoming Extreme Rules show, and most of the relevant names had a chance to work. It will be good to see Bryan again when he returns to RAW next week.

RAW: Best Match: Barrett vs. Ziggler

RAW: Best Talker: Paul Heyman

RAW: Dud of the Night: Santino & Emma vs Fandango & Layla, JBL

RAW: Surprise Moment: Evolution returns as a group

RAW: Honourable Mentions: Sheamus, Jack Swagger, The Uso’s

Until next time…


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