WWE RAW Results & Review (17.03.14)
We continue on the Road to WrestleMania XXX and are less than three weeks away. Recent developments in the storylines leading to the event have made it all the more appealing and opened up some intriguing questions as we approach the thirtieth “showcase of the immortals” in New Orleans. Tonight, we are live from San Antonio, Texas.
The quick results of the matches tonight:
- The Real Americans defeated, Tag Champs, The Uso’s
- Sheamus pinned Titus O’Neal
- Daniel Bryan pinned Randy Orton after interference from Batista
- Goldust pinned Fandango
- The Funkadactyls beat AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka
- Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry & Big E defeated Ryback, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow & Alberto Del Rio in tag team action
- Bray Wyatt beat Kofi Kingston
This was a decent episode of RAW that did plenty to develop the angles as we approach WrestleMania. It is important at this point that each television presentation from WWE does all it can to appeal to fans and work, in many ways, as a big old sales pitch for their biggest annual PPV. You can’t argue with the content of this episode because a lot did happen and many of the matches that were booked were entertaining and offered plenty of action.
The opening segment of RAW saw Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista argue, with Orton and Batista disputing Triple H’s agreement that if Daniel Bryan defeats him in one-on-one action at WrestleMania then he will be entered into the WWE World Title match main event. Triple H ends up getting angry with “Big Dave” and Orton, and makes the announcement that if he defeats Bryan then he will be entered into the ‘Mania main event. A big added stipulation to the main event scene which adds some more curiosity regarding the big event.
It looks like The Real Americans, and possibly some other tag teams on the roster (Ryback & Axel, Cody & Goldie) may be booked into a match with the tag team champions, The Uso’s, on the WrestleMania card, which should be nice. They appear to be teasing many deserving challengers, which should lead to maybe a four-corner match for the tag belts.
The Kane/Shield storyline heated up here, with Kane heading to the ring to “punish” Jerry Lawler for some sort of apparent involvement in the “yes movement” angle last week in Memphis. The Shield made the save for Lawler and beat Kane down, signifying a face-turn and no doubt leading us to a match between The Shield and Kane at ‘Mania, with Kane picking some help, not sure who though. Outlaws? The Ascension? Time will tell.
The Cena/Wyatt storyline remained relevant with a nice promo from Bray in which he claimed that Cena was living a lie. Cena cut a promo saying he was afraid of Bray Wyatt and his rhetoric. It was at least something new for Cena, taking a more serious approach to a feud, which can only help Wyatt and add a much-needed element of darkness to the program. Let’s hope Wyatt comes out on top in Nola.
Paul Heyman cut a promo about Lesnar and The Undertaker, claiming that Brock will end the streak. A video that highlighted The Undertaker getting older and struggling to defend the streak more with each passing year aired, an interesting element to the feud. It was weird to see WWE completely avoid any clips of Taker’s match with CM Punk from last years ‘Mania here, further possible proof that Punk is done with WWE.
Finally, in the closing segment of RAW, Triple H had a face-to-face conversation in the ring with Daniel Bryan in which the WWE’s COO told Bryan that he respected him and was amazed that he was still standing after all that he had put on his shoulders since SummerSlam of last year. Triple H teased being a babyface almost here, until Stephanie came to the ring with fake cops and the ruse was unveiled. Bryan had his hands cuffed behind his back and Triple H preceded to attack Bryan, an attack that went on for around fifteen minutes and features Bryan being thrown into the announce desk, ringside barrier and steel steps, being hit in the head with a steel chair (the chair hit the steel post mostly though) and finally being pedigreed in the ring while Stephanie and Hunter screamed at the fallen Daniel Bryan. A great ending segment that adds a needed sympathy to Bryan leading into WrestleMania. The more people feel that Bryan is being mistreated, the better the reaction will be if Bryan defeats Triple H and wins the title at WrestleMania XXX.
A good RAW then, with less pointless content that usual. Stipulations were added to matches, characters were developed and the show ended with a brutal old-school attack from Triple H on the top babyface in WWE, Daniel Bryan. Let’s hope this quality of RAW continues for the next two weeks.
RAW: Best Match: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
RAW: Best Talker: Paul Heyman/Randy Orton/Triple H
RAW: Dud of the Night: Announce team/Fandango
RAW: Surprise Moment: The Shield makes a babyface save
RAW: Honourable Mentions: Cesaro, The Uso’s, Triple H