Graphic Novel Review: ‘The Complete Accident Man’
It’s fair to say that Mike Fallon is a character you should not like. He’s superficial, arrogant, materialistic and a killer. A creation of Pat Mills and Tony Skinner with artwork by Howard Chaykin, Martin Emond, Duke Mighten and John Earsmus, The Complete Accident Man introduces you to the world of the Mike Fallon, and then lets you decide on just what you think of the assassin.
Mike Fallon is a creep, there is no doubt about it. He likes to make sure you realise that he is emotionless and doesn’t care about anything but making money. The fact is though as you read through the pages of The Complete Accident Man you’ll find that this is a man of principles and a man who does care, though he hates it. Killing for a profit he hates when he has to do a job for free, which is a surprise because he keeps on having to do them. For the most part though he prefers to make a profit on his skills as being the Accident Man.
Why is he called The Accident Man? Well this is his style of assassination, all of his jobs must be completed making it look like the target was killed simply by accident. This is methodically shown on the page with Fallon talking us through his process, it’s only right for him to show us like this because he has to show that he’s the best at what he does. In further proof of this we also get to see some of his colleagues who also have their own styles, and their handlers who control the jobs and money. The fact that most of the other assassins are much more unlikeable than Mike, and his targets are often corrupt officials and criminals also makes us realise that Mike Fallon really isn’t that bad a guy, in a world full of creeps less likeable than him.
This is where The Complete Accident Man shows it’s strength, Pat Mills and Tony Skinner write a character in Mike Fallon that is by no means a nice guy, but the people who battles against are written (and drawn) to raise him to a higher level of charisma. The fact that he also changes the rules if he doesn’t agree with the hit also helps.
In the introduction to the book by Pat Mills they discuss The Accident Man and mention that there have been a few attempts to get the character onto the big screen. After reading The Complete Accident Man I must admit I have an interest in seeing it in movie form and seeing just how it would be interpreted. Much of the artwork gives the characters an exaggerated look, with huge muscles and lots of violence, and it would be interesting to see how that translates to screen. Mike Fallon is something of an anti-Bond type character, though even James Bond had his moments of being an outright jerk. I’ll be looking out for any news on this being made into a film, it’ll be quite a treat.
The Complete Accident Man is a collection of only four stories and I can’t help but want more, Mike Fallon is a character that is memorable and I have no problem with liking him. He may be a killer who is as superficial as any Hollywood brat but he’s good at what he does, and when he lets his shield down maybe isn’t that bad a guy. Just don’t find yourself as a victim of his though or you’ll be unlucky enough to have an accident.
The Complete Accident Man is out now.