10th May2013

2013 Soho Film Festival – The Awards

by Catherina Gioino

The last installment of the Soho Film Festival follows the winners of the special awards given out for their excellence in storytelling. The fourth year of the festival ran smoothly with a unique array of visual quality that was mastered in the art of storytelling, with films coming from all over the world. Of the 70 plus works featured at the festival, the following have won prizes for their works.

En Hemlighet (A Secret): A 9 minute short directed by Dennis Petersen, this Swedish short about love won the Best World Sort award.

El Presidente: Mark Meilly directed this Philippians 160 minute movie, about a general rising to power as American gained territory and power during the last days of the Spanish empire. This won the Best World Showcase award.

Running for Jim: Dan Noyes and Robin Hauser Reynolds directed this 78 minute film about a coach struggling  to win. This film won the Best Documentary award.

Concrete Jungle: Steven Cartoccio directed this 6 minute short, which is a stop motion film about humans and animals living in New York City. The Best Animated Film award was given to the short.

The Lepidoctor: The Best Showcase Short Film award was given to Jonathan Barenboim, director of The Lepidoctor, a short about a boy who starts wandering after him mother dies.

The Silent Thief: Directed by Jennifer Clary, the Best Showcase Feature Film award goes to this film, which details a man’s struggle to define the line between sanity and insanity.

Wet Behind the Ears: Sloan Copeland directed this comedy about a college graduate surviving the outside world. This won the NYC Audience Award.

Junction: Tony Glazer directed this marvel piece of a story which follows meth addicts as they deal with an even bigger crime against humanity. The Special Jury Award was given to the film.

West End: Like Hamlet on the Jersey Shore, Joe Basile directed and starred in this film which follows an undercover FBI agent revisiting his home after his father died. This won the Soho’s Pick award.

The Soho Film Festival ended on April 12, after featuring over 70 films and works of art. The festival will return again next with even more films to feature and more events. Check out the festival’s site and Facebook page for more information and pictures of the festival.


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