15th Mar2013

‘Resident Evil 6 X Left For Dead 2’ crossover incoming!

by Phil Wheat


Capcom and Valve have today announced the Resident Evil 6 X Left 4 Dead 2 crossover project  – which will see characters from Left 4 Dead 2 featured exclusively in the forthcoming PC version of Resident Evil 6, while enemies from Resident Evil 6 will invade the PC version of Left 4 Dead 2.

Owners of Resident Evil 6 PC will be able to select one of four survivors from Left 4 Dead 2’s iconic cast – Coach, Nick, Ellis and Rochelle – when playing PC exclusive mode, The Mercenaries No Mercy. Making the leap to the PC version of Left 4 Dead 2 will be some of Resident Evil 6’s most fearsome enemies – Lepotitsa, Napad and Ogroman.

This new and exclusive content will automatically be downloaded in the background to all owners of the PC version of Resident Evil 6 from April 5th. All content will be made available completely free for fans of either game to access and play.

More news as we get it.


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