11th Jul2022

Major League Wrestling finds UK TV home

by Phil Wheat

Major League Wrestling and Ayozat TV have today announced a broadcast partnership, bringing the league to UK airwaves. The partnership will allow fans to watch new episodes of MLW’s flagship weekly series MLW: Fusion each week, as well as classic content from the league’s library, which dates back to 2002. With such a prestigious roster […]

11th Jun2021

MLW announce ‘Battle Riot III’ this July!

by Phil Wheat

MLW have today announced Battle Riot III will take place at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia on Saturday July 10th. 40 wrestlers will riot in the city of brotherly love on Saturday, July 10 as one man looks to outlast 39 others and earn a world title shot anytime, anywhere against Jacob Fatu. During last […]

09th Feb2021

MLW announce Injustice vs. CONTRA Unit for Weds ‘MLW: Fusion’

by Phil Wheat

Major League Wrestling have today announced Injustice (Myron Reed & Jordan Oliver) vs. CONTRA Unit for this Wednesday, February 10th on MLW’s flagship weekly series, MLW: Fusion, available on YouTube, Fubo Sports, DAZN, beIN SPORTS and the Roku Channel. Learn more about where to watch. Jordan Oliver and Myron Reed have wanted to get CONTRA […]

23rd Dec2020

Gotch vs. Oliver grudge match at MLW’s Kings of Colosseum

by Phil Wheat

Major League Wrestling have announced a Grudge Match for their Kings of Colosseum special next month: Simon Gotch vs. Jordan Oliver! For almost 8 months Jordan Oliver and Myron Reed have wanted to get CONTRA in the ring or on the street. On May 9th, CONTRA Unit attacked MLW during the Super Series. During the […]

22nd Dec2020

MLW announce Hammerstone vs. Krügger at ‘Kings Of Colosseum’

by Phil Wheat

Major League Wrestling have announced that National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone vs. Mads Krügger for the championship at Kings Of Colosseum on January 6 at 7pm ET available on YouTube, Fubo Sports, Pluto TV. The event is being presented for free on all platforms. Since storming into MLW at #TheRestart, “Mads Krügger has put MLW […]

15th Dec2020

MLW announce double-debut on Fusion tomorrow!

by Phil Wheat

Major League Wrestling have today announced that tomorrow night MLW’s flagship weekly series Fusion will showcase a double debut as Bu Ku Dao and LA Park Jr. collide in singles competition. Tomorrow night MLW will showcase a double debut as Bu Ku Dao and LA Park Jr. collide in singles competition.Born in Vietnam and fighting […]

18th May2020

Major League Wrestling re-signs Richard Holliday

by Phil Wheat

Major League Wrestling has today announced it has re-signed founding member of the Dynasty and Caribbean Champion Richard Holliday to a new multi-year deal. Holliday first joined MLW in 2018 and quickly emerged as a premier competitor, winning the World Tag Team Championship and most recently claiming the Caribbean Heavyweight title in January of this […]

11th Oct2018

Nerdly Wrestling Awards – Week Six

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to this week’s Nerdly Wrestling Awards, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have an interesting week to cover, one that was boring and exciting at the same time. The matches themselves go from bad to great, so we’ll have lots of things to complain about, as well as praise. Let’s get […]

03rd Oct2018

Nerdly Wrestling Awards – Week Five

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to this week’s Nerdly Wrestling Awards, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have some good wrestling to cover, so let’s do so. Worst Promo: Milwaukee Bull-$@!# (Smackdown) – Aiden English told Lana he knew about what she did in Milwaukee. Who cares? Best Promo: Ain’t Got No Respect (Impact) – The […]

27th Sep2018

Nerdly Wrestling Awards – Week Four

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to this week’s Nerdly Wrestling Awards! I’m Nathan Favel and I still find it weird to use exclamations when I write, because you know I sure as hell am not shouting when I imagine saying all of this in person. We have a pretty good week to cover, in some areas any-way. Here we […]

19th Sep2018

Nerdly Wrestling Awards – Week Three

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to the third Nerdly Wrestling Awards, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have some interesting matches to cover from throughout the week. Let’s… talk about other people… pretending… to kick some ass! Worst Promo: Triple H Disparages A Talking Corpse (WWE) Triple H cut a promo on The Undertaker that was […]

07th Sep2018

Nerdly Wrestling Awards – Week Two

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to week two of the Nerdly Wrestling Awards, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and we have a very competitive week of wrestling to get to, with one league getting a card in as an early exception to the rule. Let’s get right to the best of wrestling, from last week. Worst Promo: […]
