09th Jun2021

Wolverine Wednesday #44

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #12 Writer: Benamin Percy | Artist: Scot Eaton | Inker: JP Mayer | Colourist: Matthew Wilson | Letters: Cory Petit Unfortunately this issue brings the current story arc to a climax in much the same fashion as the previous story arc. Lots of good set up, with well balanced action and consequence and then […]

05th May2021

Wolverine Wednesday #43

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #11 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Scot Eaton | Inker: JP Mayer | Colourist: Matthew Wilson | Letters: Cory Petit So after the tenth issue milestone we pick up again with the vampire/Omega Red story line which could left behind with ‘X of Swords’ and then the recent Maverick arc. #5 was in fact […]

06th Jan2021

Universal Monsters come to YouTube this month!

by Phil Wheat

This January, NBCUniversal is offering fans the chance to dive into some of Universal Pictures’ most gruesome classic films ever made on one of the world’s biggest horror YouTube channels, ‘Fear: The Home of Horror.’ Starting January 15th 2021 horror fans will have the opportunity to scare away the January blues and take a step […]

07th Dec2020

The Filmmakers Podcast #193: ‘Hook’ screenwriter James Hart

by Phil Wheat

Here’s the latest episode of the The Filmmakers Podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly. If you haven’t heard the show yet, you can check out previous episodes on the official podcast site, whilst we’ll be featuring each and every new episode as it premieres. For those unfamiliar with the series, The […]

14th Oct2020

Wolverine Wednesday #37

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #4 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Viktor Bogdanovic | Colourist: Matthew Wilson | Letters: Cory Petit When I first read this issue I found it a pretty solid read. But when it came to doing the review and I was flipping through it, it raised a few questions and is a tad confusing. Basically […]

12th Sep2013

Awesome Hammer-style US poster for ‘Argento’s Dracula 3D’

by Phil Wheat

Check out this Hammer-esque one-sheet poster (courtesy of EW) for the US release of horror-maestro Dario Argento’s new iteration of the legendary Dracula tale, Dracula 3D (or Argento’s Dracula 3D) as it has been re-named in the States. Set for a US release on October 4th, in both cinemas and via VOD, the film is based on […]

20th May2013

First poster for Pearry Teo’s ‘The Dark Prince’

by Phil Wheat

If you’ve been a long time reader of Blogomatic3000 (now, of course Nerdly) you’ll know how huge a fan I am of director Pearry Teo. He has helmed some fantastic straight to DVD movies – some of which put big-budget cinema flicks to shame – including the awesome Necromentia, Witchville and Dead Inside (aka The […]