15th Jan2025

Wolverine Wednesday #82

by Ian Wells

Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1 Writer: Frank Tieri | Artist: Michael Sta. Maria | Colourist: Dono Sanchez-Almara | Letters: Joe Sabino With a backlog of comics for November and December this was actually the one I was most looking forward to digging into. I’m sure I have made it common knowledge that Frank Tieri […]

26th Jun2024

Wolverine Wednesday #76

by Ian Wells

Weapon X-Men #4 Writer: Christos Gage | Artist: Yildiray Cinar | Colourist: Nolan Woodard | Letters: Clayton Cowles I don’t want to come down too harshly on this as I have really enjoyed the series and even called it my sleeper hit of 2024. I think the best way to sum up this issue and […]

15th May2024

Wolverine Wednesday #74

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #47 Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle | Artist: Geoff Shaw | Colourist: Alex Sinclair | Letters: Cory Petit As the cover promises Laura takes the lead role for the majority of the issue. And all I can say is it’s about damn time! I have been waiting for her to play a part […]

13th Mar2024

Wolverine Wednesday #71

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #43 Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle | Artist: Geoff Shaw | Colourist: Alex Sinclair | Letters: Cory Petit This week I wanted to kick off talking about the cover. Modern covers tend to have a bad reputation. Perhaps there is an element of me being biased, but I love this cover by Lenil […]

21st Feb2024

Wolverine Wednesday #70

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #41 Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle | Artists: Geoff Shaw & Cory Smith | Inker: Oren Junior | Colourist: Alex Sinclair | Letters: Cory Petit I am a sucker for a good old-fashioned brawl between Wolverine and Sabretooth. They are actually few and far between when compared to other great comic book rivalries. […]

17th Jan2024

Wolverine Wednesday #69

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #40 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Ibrahim Moustafa | Clourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit Wolverine and Spider-Man crossovers just work. Fact! I think because they are such polar opposites in terms of age and personality the chemistry just comes naturally, especially when the writer is at the top of their game, like […]

15th Nov2023

Wolverine Wednesday #67

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #38 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Juan Jose Ryp | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit How many times can I open these reviews by saying how fun a read it is? Well, as long as Percy keeps delivering at this level I will have to keep saying it. I will be the […]

11th Oct2023

Wolverine Wednesday #66

by Ian Wells

X-23 Deadly Regenesis #4-#5 Writer: Erica Schultz | Artist: Edgar Salazar | Colourist: Carlos Lopez | Letters: Cory Petit I really don’t want to come down too harshly on this series. On a personal level, it just wasn’t for me, but there clearly is an audience for the character. Before I get into what is […]

05th Jul2023

Wolverine Wednesday #63

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #34 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Juan Jose Ryp | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit Benjamin Percy and co. are really putting it all on the table with this story arc. This issue delivers across the board from cover to cover and we aren’t even into ‘Fall of X’ yet! Percy has […]

07th Jun2023

Wolverine Wednesday #62

by Ian Wells

X-23 Deadly Regenesis #2 Writer: Erica Schultz | Artist: Edgar Salazar | Colourist: Carlos Lopez | Letters: Cory Petit Unfortunately I am having some trouble with this story, which is a shame because I really love the character. I think a big part that is working against it, especially from my own point of view […]

10th May2023

Wolverine Wednesday #61

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #32 Writer: Benamin Percy | Artist: Juan Jose Ryp | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit Are we going to have to start calling this series Beast Goes Full Evil? At this point I think Benjamin Percy is the only writer I would trust to have a comic called Wolverine completely dominated by […]

01st Feb2023

Wolverine Wednesday #58

by Ian Wells

This week I bring you a review for the latest of The Beast Agenda in Wolverine #29 plus a retro review from Wolverine comics past. The reason for the retro review is that I missed a Wolverine comic this month! My credentials are slipping! I only found out on the day it came out that […]

01st Mar2022

‘Ghost Rider #1’ Review

by Dean Fuller

Written by Benjamin Percy | Art by Cory Smith | Published by Marvel Comics You know how you have good friends sometimes, and you just fall out of touch over time, through no fault of your own. That’s my relationship with Johnny Blaze. I loved Ghost Rider back in the 1980s, and have most of […]

08th Dec2021

Wolverine Wednesday #48

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #17 – #18 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artists: Lan Medina & Paco Diaz | Inker: Cam Smith | Colourists: Java Tartglia & Dijjo Lima | Letters: Cory Petit These two issues are a brilliant romp through the espionage flavour of the X-Men world that Benjamin Percy has been shaping in the pages of Wolverine […]

03rd Jul2020

‘Devil’s Highway #1’ Review (AWA Studios)

by Dean Fuller

Written by Benjamin Percy | Art by Brent Schoonover | Published by AWA Studios Never underestimate the power of a good cover. I’m not just talking about sticking a poster shot up on the front, as Marvel and DC are likely to do these days, but an actual cover that gives you a brief taster […]

08th Jan2020

Wolverine Wednesday #31

by Ian Wells

Happy New Year to you all. The year is 2020 and Wolverine is back among the living. Technically he returned to the Marvel Universe last year after the events of Wolverine Returns before joing Cyclops in the pages of Matthew Rosenbergs’ Uncanny X-Men. Check out Wolverine Wednesday #23 for a full wrap up of my […]
