21st Apr2023

Exclusive Interview: Nathan Shepka & Tom Joliffe on ‘The Baby in the Basket’

by Kevin Haldon

In his latest interview, Kevin sits down to discuss horror The Baby in the Basket and its current Kickstarter campaign with director Nathan Shepka and writer Tom Joliffe.

The Baby in the Basket is a gothic horror feature inspired by 1960s horror movies, film noir and some of the classics across the ages! In short, it’s Rosemary’s Baby meets The Omen meets The Shining.

The film is set on a remote Scottish island at an isolated monastery, where a baby is left on the doorstep during a blistering storm. Before long, strange things begin to happen on the eerie island and Sister Agnes starts to suspect the baby is the devil’s child.

Starring Amber-Doig Thorne, Michela Longden and Nathan Shepka, check out the Kickstarter campaign for The Baby in the Basket right here.


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