‘AEW Dark: Elevation – Episode 108’ Review
Welcome back to another review of AEW Dark: Elevation, which features just matches this week. We’ve got regulars Paul Wight and Matt Menard on commentary as usual. So let’s get into the review!
Match #1: Tony Nese and Ari Daivari def. Lane Summers and Campbell Myers
My Thoughts: This was an incredibly dull opening match and a squash match at that too. Nese and Daivari are, unfortunately, pretty much charisma-free and that doesn’t help their matches in the slightest; and with this match we didn’t even get any words from Mark Sterling to cover that fact up!
My Score: 1 out of 5
Match #2: Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir def. Briar and Sage Hale
My Thoughts: This was another squash match from the team of Rose and Shafir. Interestingly, Jon Moxley revealed on a podcast this week that he’s been working with Shafir to try and bring out her MMA style of fighting – more judo etc., and that seemed to be on display here, with Shafir really pulling out the mat work. Still this was a squash and one that saw Rose demolish Briar Hale after the match too!
My Score: 1 out of 5
Match #3: Willow Nightingale def. Maggie Lee
My Thoughts: The third squash match in a row from this week’s Elevation… However, I’m going to let my bias get involved here and say this was great for Willow Nightingale – she needs some definitive, decisive, fast wins to build her rep after some defeats higher up the card. Still, a squash is a squash.
My Score: 1 out of 5
Match #4: Big Bill and Lee Moriarty def. Zack Clayton and Anaya
My Thoughts: Well it looks like this week’s episode of AEW Dark: Elevation is all about the squash match! We get a FOURTH one on this episode and we’re only four matches in! To be fair Zack Clayton should not be getting any sort of win over Big Bill and Lee Moriarty. Yet it did look like Anaya was in this match to literally just take the pin and prevent Clayton, who AEW seem to be behind a lot, take the loss.
My Score: 1 out of 5
Match #5: Athena def. Tootie Lynn
My Thoughts: Guess what? Another squash! Tootie Lynn got one hit in at the start of this one then Athena did her usual schtick and demolished Lynn as quick as she could, There was faux worry from Athena about Lynn at the end of the match but it was actually a twist on Athena’s typical post-match beatdown. Hopefully the run-in from Emi Sakura after that means something good on the horizon for both her and Athena.
My Score: 1 out of 5
Match #6: Matt Hardy, Ethan Page, and Isiah Kassidy def. Spanish Announce Project (Angelico, Serpentico, and Luther)
My Thoughts: This has to be the most coherent match Hardy, Page and Kassidy have had. They actually looked like a team, with Hardy letting Page do the Twist of Fate and then Page tagging in Kassidy to get the pin rather than showboat himself! Loved the gimmick that Page was sad so hardy and Kassidy did everything they could to cheer him up instead of acting like subservient slaves like they normally do.
My Score: 2.5 out of 5
Match #7: Riho def. Diamante
My Thoughts: This was a great main event. Love the fact Riho and Diamante got to have a decent singles match with no interference and a definitive outcome, even if it was on Elevation and not Dynamite or Rampage. Riho did her usual thing of being the underdog but when you’re facing what looked to be a totally in-shape and badass Diamante that’s probably the likely place you’d be!