22nd Mar2022

‘AEW Dark: Elevation – Episode 55’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Welcome to this week’s review of AEW Dark: Elevation, once again we’ve got Excalibur and Tony Schiavone on commentary and only a 6-match card. Let’s get right into the review… and the action!

Match #1: Nyla Rose def. Charlotte Renegade

My Thoughts: This was Nyla Rose mimicking Lance Archer’s matches and squashing BOTH Renegade sisters who, despite switching them switching places in the ring, couldn’t mount much offence on Rose – who ambushed them from the get-go and never let up.

My Score: 1.5 out of 5

Match #2: Julia Hart def. Skye Blue

My Thoughts: Julia Hart goes full heel in this match against Skye Blue. About time TBH. Playing heel allowed Hart to get more aggressive and beat up Sky Blue rather than out-wrestle her. There were a few clumsy moments but this is undoubtedly Hart’s best singles outing yet.

My Score: 2 out of 5

Match #3: Gunn Club def. Aaron Mercer and Masada

My Thoughts: It was too much to hope that the experienced Masada would hand Austin and Colten Gunn (the ASS Boys!) their asses. He did the lords work and got in some great offence but it wasn’t enough to defeat the apparently number 2 ranked tag team in AEW (Why? They only ever win on Dark and Elevation – talk about stats padding!)

My Score: 1.5 out of 5

Match #4: Top Flight def. Chaos Project

My Thoughts: Nice to see Darius Martin back in action here, working most of this match and getting back into the swing of things. Shame he (and we the audience) had to suffer at the hands of Luther. I’ve been saying for weeks, nay months, that Serpentico needs to split with Luther and wouldn’t you know it, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone said EXACTLY the same thing during this match! Definitely a return to form for Top Flight, who ACTUALLY deserve to be number 2 ranked not the Ass Boys!

My Score: 2.5 out of 5

Match #5: Ruby Soho & Anna Jay def. Emi Sakura & The Bunny

My Thoughts: By now Emi Sakura and The Bunny matches are pretty much guarantees of a good women’s tag, or trios, match and this was no different. Nice to see Anna Jay participate in a tag match with a new partner and she looked good here too, managing to sell well for her opponents and delivering some decent offence too.

My Score: 2.5 out of 5

Match #6: Dark Order’s Evil Uno, Stu Grayson & John Silver def. The Factory’s Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solo & QT Marshall

My Thoughts: Evil Uno and Stu Grayson are good aren’t they? When they’re allowed to work their combos they look the proverbial $1million dollars. This was a fast, frenetic, match that almost broke down but everyone managed to keep things under control. The speed of this match and the spots we got made this a fantastic main event for this week’s Elevation.

My Score: 3 out of 5

Final Verdict: 3.5/5

A major improvement over some of the past few week’s shows, this episode of AEW Dark: Elevation benefited from not having too many squash matches and keeping things going at a decent pace. I can really get behind these sorts of shows: no more than one squash match, a six-match card and a 45-minute runtime. Definitely the sweet spot for Elevation.


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