14th Feb2022

‘Those Who Walk Away’ Review

by Alain Elliott

Stars: Booboo Stewart, Scarlett Sperduto | Written by Robert Rippberger, Spencer Moleda | Directed by Robert Rippberger

I’m not sure I’ve seen too many horror movies that start out with two people meeting on a first date through a social media app. That said, there’s plenty where dates have lead to horrible things and Those Who Walk Away changes drastically from its first shots to its last.

After a brief chat and a failed attempt at a cinema trip to see The Evil Dead, Max (Booboo Stewart) and Avery (Scarlett Sperduto) end up at a haunted house. Avery is the one leading them there as she tells stories of the local legends and ghosts that apparently frequent the house. Some may see where it is leading and it’s not a complete surprise where things get to at about the halfway point of the movie but Those Who Walk Away still has plenty to offer in its second half.

One thing to note about the movie is that although it isn’t promoted as such and is quite one, it nearly, kinda is a one-shot movie. As in, it is made to look like it is made with one continuous shot for the most part. It’s not as unusual now as it once was, and there’s even been a couple of genre movies made this way (Silent House & Lets Scare Julie come to mind). But although this doesn’t feel as original as it might have a few years ago, it is very effective with Those Who Walk Away. You notice it not long after the start of the movie and it works well because it made me feel like I was almost an extra person in the film. Much of the first half of the movie is the couple walking and talking and you feel like a third friend hanging out. You’re right there on their shoulders. Then, once things start picking up, proceedings get creepier, you feel a bit more panicked. Like you are in the room while it is all happening.

The haunted house is the location for most of the second half of the movie and turns into a weird, twisted maze of a house. There’s no doubt some influence from The Shining here as each room we enter opens up an all-new bizarre horror concept. I don’t mean like some Saw puzzle in each room. One room might be upside down another might be dream-like, I enjoyed that every few minutes the film would throw up something new.

The music, like the camera, is there continuously throughout and helps with many of the scares. It’s a really good horror movie score, screeching and thumping its way into your ears.

The single-camera makes this film feel part found footage part eighties horror but make no mistake, it looks great. The final few minutes look fantastic in a conclusion that is a near-perfect ending. Booboo Stewart (the Twilight franchise) is really enjoyable in the lead. Most importantly he’s likeable but also believable when he needs to step up and fight back at the things haunting him.

Some people might not enjoy the slow build because nothing in terms of horror really happens for a large part of the movie. But I enjoyed listening to Max and Avery chatting. Hearing them talk about their past and getting to know each other. So by the time the scares started happening I was absolutely ready for it.

Those Who Walk Away is the kind of genre movie I could see picking up a cult following. It has the performances and style to go down that route. One of the best genre movies I’ve seen in 2022 so far.

**** 4/5


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