10th May2014

‘In Security’ DVD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Michael Gladis, Ethan Embry, Clea DuVall, Cary Elwes, Adam Arkin, Ving Rhames, Ed Begley Jr., Vinnie Jones | Written by Craig Hildebrand | Directed by Adam and Evan Beamer


Given we’re in the information age, with movies being promoted to death online each and every minute of the day, it’s rare that a film comes along that hasn’t had some sort of “buzz” somewhere on the interwebs. However In Security is one such movie…

The film tells the story of best friends Kevin and Bruce, who are co-owners of a failing home security company in a town with no crime. As a last ditch effort to drum up some business, they start robbing the neighbors to instill fear and create a need for their services but bullets fly when they unwittingly rob the wrong guy – a suburban drug lord with a penchant for kitchen gadgets.

It’s fair to say I have a penchant for goofball crime capers: I enjoyed the hell out of flicks such as How To Rob a Bank and Flypaper and, to a lesser extent, last months Revenge for Jolly. In Security however has much more than being just a “crime caper” going for it. For one it stars one of my favourite actors, Ethan Embry – an actor whom I, in all honesty, have yet to see a terrible performance from. In fact I’d go as far as saying as an actor Embry is incredibly underrated: his likeable personality consistently shines through each and every role he takes and he’s actually surprisingly versatile, switching from comedies to serious dramas, and everything in between, with ease.

And Embry’s versatility is the main reason that In Security‘s dual nature, and the films dark shift in tone come the mid-point, actually works. In the hands of a lesser actor the bizarre shift from a light-hearted goofball crime flick to dark black-comedy gangster movie wouldn’t work, but here Embry manages to carry the film on his shoulders, switching from film funny man to put upon hero as and when the story needs it.

Admittedly the shift in tone may put some of the audience off but it’s the shift that keeps the momentum of the film going, plus it allows Cary Elwes to put in an amazing, insane, and gloriously over-the-top performance as the psychotic drug dealer robbed by the bumbling Kevin and Bruce. It’s the introduction of Elwes character which initiates the tonal shift and the darker aspect of the film, yet somehow his character is at the same time completely hilarious.

The film is also packed with cameos from the likes of Alan Arkin, Vinnie Jones and Ving Rhames, who all feature in blink-or-you’ll-miss-them appearances – how so many familiar faces ended up in a movie which is essentially a first-time feature for directing duo Adam and Evan Beamer (who previously helmed a short film and a TV movie together) is beyond me. Whatever the reason, they add a little kudos to what is a small independent low-budget movie.

In Security is one of those films that will (sadly) fly under the radar of many, much like the aforementioned How To Rob a Bank and Flypaper, but those that do give the film a go will definitely find plenty to enjoy. The film out now on DVD and VOD from Solo Media.

**** 4/5


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