‘Bedlam Stories’ needs you!
Pearry Teo’s Bedlam Stories has been in gestation for almost a year under the guidance of director/producer/writer Pearry under his TeoWard Productions banner. The project has already seen the release of the first novel, penned by author Christine Converse, with a second volume set to be announced very soon… However, in the meantime, Teo has announced that he is set to produce an anthology of fan-fiction based on, and inspired by, the “Bedlam Universe” he has created. I’ll let him explain:
The Anthology will feature the top works submitted to us by fans. Works not chosen here will still be made available for free on this website. Winners chosen will be able to share in on the revenue made by the book once it’s published.
Works submitted can range from short stories, art, sketches and even poems. Fans are encouraged to be as creative as possible and will be judged by Pearry Teo and Christine Converse. This is a portal for fans to share, exchange ideas using their imagination on the rich worlds created by Pearry Teo.
We are not looking for the best writers, or the most talented artist. We are looking for people with passion and the courage to take their creativity to new levels of darkness to share with the world. This book is not intended to be made for profit. It is to share the art and creativity of our fans. This is our way of giving back to you!
If you’re up for the challenge, and for more details of this anthology, check out http://www.bedlamstories.com/anthology.html and o keep up to date with all things Bedlam Stories, make sure to like the official Facebook page too!