18th Dec2024

Wolverine Wednesday #81 – 50th Birthday Celebration Part 4

by Ian Wells

50: Wolverine (v1) #87 W: Larry Hama P: Adam Kubert I: Dan Green C:Marie Javins This issue was never not going to make the list. I choose it because it centres around Maverick but of course, it is a Wolverine story first and foremost. When I got into collecting Wolverine comics one of the things […]

26th Jun2024

Wolverine Wednesday #76

by Ian Wells

Weapon X-Men #4 Writer: Christos Gage | Artist: Yildiray Cinar | Colourist: Nolan Woodard | Letters: Clayton Cowles I don’t want to come down too harshly on this as I have really enjoyed the series and even called it my sleeper hit of 2024. I think the best way to sum up this issue and […]

13th Mar2024

Wolverine Wednesday #71

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #43 Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle | Artist: Geoff Shaw | Colourist: Alex Sinclair | Letters: Cory Petit This week I wanted to kick off talking about the cover. Modern covers tend to have a bad reputation. Perhaps there is an element of me being biased, but I love this cover by Lenil […]

21st Feb2024

Wolverine Wednesday #70

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #41 Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle | Artists: Geoff Shaw & Cory Smith | Inker: Oren Junior | Colourist: Alex Sinclair | Letters: Cory Petit I am a sucker for a good old-fashioned brawl between Wolverine and Sabretooth. They are actually few and far between when compared to other great comic book rivalries. […]

17th Jan2024

Wolverine Wednesday #69

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #40 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Ibrahim Moustafa | Clourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit Wolverine and Spider-Man crossovers just work. Fact! I think because they are such polar opposites in terms of age and personality the chemistry just comes naturally, especially when the writer is at the top of their game, like […]

11th Oct2023

Wolverine Wednesday #66

by Ian Wells

X-23 Deadly Regenesis #4-#5 Writer: Erica Schultz | Artist: Edgar Salazar | Colourist: Carlos Lopez | Letters: Cory Petit I really don’t want to come down too harshly on this series. On a personal level, it just wasn’t for me, but there clearly is an audience for the character. Before I get into what is […]

20th Sep2023

Wolverine Wednesday #65

by Ian Wells

Unfortunately I had some trouble getting all my comics on time this month to review them. On the positive, that means there will be a bumper review instalment next time round and there are some really good things to be unpack! I didn’t want to go a month without A Wolverine Wednesday so I thought […]

09th Aug2023

Wolverine Wednesday #64

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #35 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Juan Jose Ryp | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit The longest story arc in the series so far finally reaches its conclusion. It has been a long, but mostly enjoyable road to get here so will the final chapter deliver on the build-up? My reviews aren’t […]

07th Jun2023

Wolverine Wednesday #62

by Ian Wells

X-23 Deadly Regenesis #2 Writer: Erica Schultz | Artist: Edgar Salazar | Colourist: Carlos Lopez | Letters: Cory Petit Unfortunately I am having some trouble with this story, which is a shame because I really love the character. I think a big part that is working against it, especially from my own point of view […]

10th May2023

Wolverine Wednesday #61

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #32 Writer: Benamin Percy | Artist: Juan Jose Ryp | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit Are we going to have to start calling this series Beast Goes Full Evil? At this point I think Benjamin Percy is the only writer I would trust to have a comic called Wolverine completely dominated by […]

12th Apr2023

Wolverine Wednesday #60

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #31 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Juan Jose Ryp | Colorist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit Let’s just get it all out in the open right away. Despite this issue having a new title it is really still carrying on the same story arc. After my mixed reaction to the previous 2/3 issues, […]

08th Mar2023

Wolverine Wednesday #59

by Ian Wells

Murderworld: Wolverine #1 Writers: Jim Zub & Ray Fawkes | Artist: Carlos Nieto | Inker: Victor Nava | Colourist: Matt Milla | Letters: Cory Petit I hardly ever regret buying a comic, but this was one of those times. I think what made it feel worse was the fact I missed the original release date, […]

01st Feb2023

Wolverine Wednesday #58

by Ian Wells

This week I bring you a review for the latest of The Beast Agenda in Wolverine #29 plus a retro review from Wolverine comics past. The reason for the retro review is that I missed a Wolverine comic this month! My credentials are slipping! I only found out on the day it came out that […]

11th Jan2023

Wolverine Wednesday #57

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #27 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Juan Jose Ryp | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit While I didn’t call the exact events, I did make the call that something big was brewing with Beast considering the consistent way he has been depicted in his Wolverine appearances and X-Force. However the fact I […]

09th Nov2022

Wolverine Wednesday #56

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #25 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Federico Vicentini | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit For me this missed the mark and was a complete turnaround from last issue. It read like Percy didn’t want to tie into the AXE event any more than he did last time out. The story from beginning […]

19th Oct2022

Wolverine Wednesday #55

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #24 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Federico Vicentini | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit Wow. Wow. Wow. There is so much going on in this issue, it is a case of throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks! This is a melting pot of story. It throws together elements from […]

24th Aug2022

Wolverine Wednesday #54

by Ian Wells

After holidays and heat waves, it is time to catch up on a summer of Wolverine comics. Just a reminder that I will be doing the Patch mini-series as one piece at its conclusion. Wolverine #22 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Adam Kubert | Colourist: Frank Martin | Letters: Cory Petit So far during this […]

08th Jun2022

Wolverine Wednesday #53

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #21 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Adam Kubert | Colourist: Frank Martin | Letters: Cory Petit Wolverine continues to reject Deadpool’s over enthusiastic X-Force audition. But as the pair find themselves at loggerheads the net is closing in on them, from one side comes Danger and from the other a double/double cross. While I […]

06th Apr2022

Wolverine Wednesday #51

by Ian Wells

There is a lot to get through this week, that should bring me up to date on the events of X Lives/Deaths. I had a delay on X Deaths #5 so I thought it would be best to review to two final issues in the next instalment. That way I can compare and contrast them. […]

02nd Mar2022

Wolverine Wednesday #50

by Ian Wells

X Lives of Wolverine #1 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Joshua Cassara | Colourist: Frank Martin | Letters: Cory Petit I have been really looking forward to this series since it was first announced. Right away the cover by Adam Kubert hits all the nostalgia notes for long-time Wolverine fans. Since it was announced I […]

04th Feb2022

eBuying Comics: Week 72

by Ian Wells

This past weekend I attended my first comic con since 2019. In fact it was my first visit to the London Comic Mart since 2017! The one thing I immediately noticed was my fingers were well out of practice at nimbly working my through the long boxes. The good news is that the event seemed […]

22nd Dec2021

eBuying Comics: Week 70

by Ian Wells

With the doom and gloom all the uncertainty in the real world is bringing I thought I would try and lighten the mood. So this week I’m ditching the comics talk and diving into some toy and collectibles talk. Together we will take a trip to Christmas’s of yesteryear to look at some of my […]
