21st May2021

‘Ten Minutes to Midnight’ DVD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Caroline Williams, Nicole Kang, Alice Kremelberg, Nicholas Tucci, William Youmans, Adam Weppler, Greg Balla, Martin Sola | Written by Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist | Directed by Erik Bloomquist [NOTE: Ahead of its UK DVD release on Monday, here’s a reposting of our review of Ten Minutes to Midnight from its screening at last years […]

12th Oct2020

Grimmfest 2020: ‘Ten Minutes to Midnight’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Caroline Williams, Nicole Kang, Alice Kremelberg, Nicholas Tucci, William Youmans, Adam Weppler, Greg Balla, Martin Sola | Written by Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist | Directed by Erik Bloomquist Caroline Williams, who is best known for her role as radio DJ Stretch, the heroine of 1986’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, is back in the […]

14th Jul2020

Grimmfest announce first films for their 2020 virtual festival

by Phil Wheat

This year has seen every film festival struggling to find ways to present new films to their audience safely, without risk of infection, in the midst of a global pandemic. And after long and serious discussion, Grimmfest will be going ahead in a new format for 2020 – offering a roster of feature film premieres […]
