15th Jan2025

Wolverine Wednesday #82

by Ian Wells

Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1 Writer: Frank Tieri | Artist: Michael Sta. Maria | Colourist: Dono Sanchez-Almara | Letters: Joe Sabino With a backlog of comics for November and December this was actually the one I was most looking forward to digging into. I’m sure I have made it common knowledge that Frank Tieri […]

13th Nov2024

Wolverine Wednesday #80

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #2 Writer: Saladin Ahmed | Artist: Martin Coccolo | Colourist: Bryan Valenza | Letters:Cory Petit I think it is best to describe my review of Wolverine #1 as lukewarm, although I had plenty of positives to talk about. Admittedly I was expecting more of the same going into the second instalment, but I was […]

23rd Oct2024

Wolverine Wednesday #79

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #1 Writer: Saladin Ahmed | Artist: Martin Coccolo | Colourist: Bryan Valenza | Letters: Cory Petit Wolverine comes roaring back with a new number one. It’s good that we didn’t have too long a wait between one series ending and the next one starting. After all, we are in his 50th year so he […]

26th Jun2024

Wolverine Wednesday #76

by Ian Wells

Weapon X-Men #4 Writer: Christos Gage | Artist: Yildiray Cinar | Colourist: Nolan Woodard | Letters: Clayton Cowles I don’t want to come down too harshly on this as I have really enjoyed the series and even called it my sleeper hit of 2024. I think the best way to sum up this issue and […]

10th Apr2024

Wolverine Wednesday #73

by Ian Wells

Weapon X-Men #1 Writer: Christos Gage | Artist: Yildiray Cinar | Colourist: Nolan Woodard | Letters: Clayton Cowles This was a lot of fun and I am not concerned to admit that my enjoyment of this really caught me off guard. I get sucked into anything with ‘Weapon X’ in the title and sometimes in […]

13th Mar2024

Wolverine Wednesday #71

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #43 Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle | Artist: Geoff Shaw | Colourist: Alex Sinclair | Letters: Cory Petit This week I wanted to kick off talking about the cover. Modern covers tend to have a bad reputation. Perhaps there is an element of me being biased, but I love this cover by Lenil […]

21st Feb2024

Wolverine Wednesday #70

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #41 Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor LaValle | Artists: Geoff Shaw & Cory Smith | Inker: Oren Junior | Colourist: Alex Sinclair | Letters: Cory Petit I am a sucker for a good old-fashioned brawl between Wolverine and Sabretooth. They are actually few and far between when compared to other great comic book rivalries. […]

20th Sep2023

Wolverine Wednesday #65

by Ian Wells

Unfortunately I had some trouble getting all my comics on time this month to review them. On the positive, that means there will be a bumper review instalment next time round and there are some really good things to be unpack! I didn’t want to go a month without A Wolverine Wednesday so I thought […]

24th Aug2022

Wolverine Wednesday #54

by Ian Wells

After holidays and heat waves, it is time to catch up on a summer of Wolverine comics. Just a reminder that I will be doing the Patch mini-series as one piece at its conclusion. Wolverine #22 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Adam Kubert | Colourist: Frank Martin | Letters: Cory Petit So far during this […]

08th Jun2022

Wolverine Wednesday #53

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #21 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Adam Kubert | Colourist: Frank Martin | Letters: Cory Petit Wolverine continues to reject Deadpool’s over enthusiastic X-Force audition. But as the pair find themselves at loggerheads the net is closing in on them, from one side comes Danger and from the other a double/double cross. While I […]

06th Apr2022

Wolverine Wednesday #51

by Ian Wells

There is a lot to get through this week, that should bring me up to date on the events of X Lives/Deaths. I had a delay on X Deaths #5 so I thought it would be best to review to two final issues in the next instalment. That way I can compare and contrast them. […]

13th Oct2021

Wolverine Wednesday #47

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #17 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Adam Kubert | Colourists: Frank Martin & Espen Grundetjern | Letters: Cory Petit This issue is the definition of rollercoaster ride. From cover to cover it takes the reader on a ride to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. This can be applied to both […]

13th Jan2021

Wolverine Wednesday #40

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #8 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artists: Adam Kubert & Viktor Bogdanovic | Colourists: Antonio Fabela & Matthew Wilson | Letters: Cory Petit I actually really enjoyed this issue despite it not delivering on the cover image. As a sidenote, the cover must be the first time Adam Kubert has drawn Maverick since the 90’s […]

08th Jul2020

Wolverine Wednesday #35/eBuying Comics: Week 39

by Ian Wells

With the world of comics slowly returning to normal, or the new normal at least I thought I would do what all great comics do and do a crossover. So in this installment of both Wolverine Wednesday and eBuying Comics I will be taking you on a whistle stop tour through my collecting history, the […]

16th Oct2014

First Look: Wolverines #1

by Phil Wheat

His death was only the start! Wolverine may be dead, but his legacy lives on. Spinning directly out of Death of Wolverine, The Weapon X Program and The Logan Legacy comes Wolverines #1, a brand new weekly series beginning this January. The friends and foes he left behind unite as they seek to uncover the […]
