18th Dec2017

New clip from the ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas Special

by Phil Wheat

With the Christmas Special creeping ever cloaser, the BBC have released the trailer for Peter Capaldi’s final adventure as Doctor Who – an adventure which sees Twelfth Doctor (Capaldi) team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor (played again by David Bradley), and a returning Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), for one last time… […]

08th Dec2017

New trailer for the ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas special

by Phil Wheat

With the Christmas Special mere weeks away, the BBC have released the trailer for Peter Capaldi’s final adventure as Doctor Who – and adventure which sees Twelfth Doctor (Capaldi) team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor (played again by David Bradley), and a returning Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), for one last time… […]

28th Nov2017

BBC release the official synopsis for the ‘Doctor Who’ Xmas special

by Phil Wheat

With the Christmas Special mere weeks away, the BBC have released the official synopsis for Peter Capaldi’s final adventure as Doctor Who – and adventure which sees Twelfth Doctor (Capaldi) team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor (played again by David Bradley), and a returning Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), for one last […]

03rd Jul2017

‘Doctor Who 10×12: The Doctor Falls’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

So, the season finale is here and we all knew that Doctor Who was going to die. It isn’t a surprise, Peter Capaldi is leaving, as is Steven Moffat. With just the Christmas episode to go before Doctor Who returns in an all new form, does this episode live up to all expectations? Oh, and […]

26th Jun2017

‘Doctor Who 10×11: World Enough and Time’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

When you know that Missy (Michelle Gomez) and The Master (John Simm) are going to meet in this episode (no, not a spoiler) you know that there is going to be some timey wimey shenanigans going on. In this episode of Doctor Who that is exactly what we get, with an equal measure of déjà […]

19th Jun2017

‘Doctor Who 10×10: The Eaters of Light’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Knowing what is coming up in Doctor Who may have stolen some of the limelight off The Eaters of Light, but that doesn’t mean that it is a bad episode. If anything, this episode is about teaching The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) that he can’t always be the hero, sometimes he has to take a step […]

12th Jun2017

‘Doctor Who 10×09: Empress of Mars’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Doctor Who has been on quite a roll this season, and there was bound to be an episode that came along that was a bit of a filler. Empress of Mars feels to be that filler episode, and what we are given is a story that is simple, okay. After seeing an unexpected message on […]

05th Jun2017

‘Doctor Who 10×08: The Lie of the Land’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

When politics inspires a show like Doctor Who, we tend to see the extremes of what can happen. This week’s episode handles the nature of fascism, and that ever popular topic of fake news. What could go wrong? With Earth now under the control of The Monks, Bill (Pearl Mackie) and Nardole (Matt Lucas) go […]

29th May2017

‘Doctor Who 10×07: The Pyramid at the End of the World’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Last week’s Doctor Who set up a new big bad for season 10, but left The Doctor knowing that they would be coming to Earth soon. In this week’s episode, the sudden appearance of a pyramid made it clear that they had arrived, and were ready to put their plans into action. When a 5,000-year-old […]

22nd May2017

‘Doctor Who 10×06: Extremis’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

If there is one problem with Doctor Who it is that things tend to stay the same, and we see nothing really that new. What we’ve needed is something to shake up the status quo. Extremis was promised to be a big episode, but the result was something of a refreshing surprise that many won’t […]

15th May2017

‘Doctor Who 10×05: Oxygen’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

It is fair to say that Doctor Who is on a bit of a roll at the moment with good episodes this season. In Oxygen, we go back to space in an episode that has repercussions that the Doctor was definitely not ready for. The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) finally gives in to his desire to […]

08th May2017

‘Doctor Who 10×04: Knock Knock’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Ever since Blink, there has been an anticipation around creepy episodes of Doctor Who, that they will deliver the same creepiness. While some have come close, not many have managed to reach the same impressive quality of Blink. Knock Knock though promised something different, and that was David Suchet. In Knock Knock we are back […]

01st May2017

‘Doctor Who 10×03: Thin Ice’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

Three episodes into this year’s season of Doctor Who, and we are in Victorian England. With more of a hint of Dickens about some of the tropes used in the episode, will Thin Ice be a damp squib of an episode, or a behemoth of excellence? Instead of returning The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Bill […]

24th Apr2017

‘Doctor Who 10×02: Smile’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

When I first saw the teaser for this episode of Doctor Who, I had to admit that the thought of an Emoji robot just didn’t work for me. Surprisingly though, this new refreshed Doctor Who makes the lovable little killer robots actually work. This week The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) takes Bill (Pearl Mackie) into the far […]

17th Apr2017

‘Doctor Who 10×01: The Pilot’ Review

by Paul Metcalf

With the knowledge that Peter Capaldi is set to leave, and we also have a new companion, I will admit I was worried about the latest series of Doctor Who. With a name like The Pilot though, that insinuates a brand-new start for this show, but is this the names only meaning? The Doctor (Peter […]
