26th Jun2024

Wolverine Wednesday #76

by Ian Wells

Weapon X-Men #4 Writer: Christos Gage | Artist: Yildiray Cinar | Colourist: Nolan Woodard | Letters: Clayton Cowles I don’t want to come down too harshly on this as I have really enjoyed the series and even called it my sleeper hit of 2024. I think the best way to sum up this issue and […]

09th Nov2022

Wolverine Wednesday #56

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #25 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Federico Vicentini | Colourist: Frank D’Armata | Letters: Cory Petit For me this missed the mark and was a complete turnaround from last issue. It read like Percy didn’t want to tie into the AXE event any more than he did last time out. The story from beginning […]

08th Jun2022

Wolverine Wednesday #53

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #21 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Adam Kubert | Colourist: Frank Martin | Letters: Cory Petit Wolverine continues to reject Deadpool’s over enthusiastic X-Force audition. But as the pair find themselves at loggerheads the net is closing in on them, from one side comes Danger and from the other a double/double cross. While I […]

26th Jan2022

Wolverine Wednesday #49

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #19 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Javi Fernandez | Colourist: Matthew Wilson | Letters: Cory Petit I didn’t think it was possible to get a great standalone issue in modern comics, especially in the Krakoan Age of X-Men comics we are currently in. But I am always happy to be proven wrong! What I […]

04th Mar2020

Wolverine Wednesday #32

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #1 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artists: Adam Kubert & Viktor Bogdanovic | Colourists: Frank Martin and Matthew Wilson | Letters: Cory Petit There best there is at what he does returns and what he does best this time is come back with a bang! A bouble bang really as this is a double sized […]
