16th Jun2023

A Memoriam In Four Colours: John Romita

by Ian Wells

It is with great sadness that the final bell has tolled for Ring-a-ding Romita. It brings to an end a distinguished career in comics that has seen it all. From Romance, to war and the biggest heroes around. As he pulls his chair up to the great drawing board in the sky we look back […]

03rd Jan2019

eBuying Comics: Week 10

by Ian Wells

In 1866 David Livingston set out to find the source of The Nile. In 1924 George Mallory set out to conquer Everest. In 1936 Professor Jones fought of Nazis in a mission to find the Arc of The Covenant. Now in 2019 maybe, just maybe I’ll get my hands on my own Holy Grail. I […]

19th Jun2017

‘Dark Days: The Forge #1’ Review

by Dan Clark

Written by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV | Art by Andy Kubert, John Romita | Published by DC Comics Dark Days: The Forge #1 is a glorified zero issue that lays major groundwork for the upcoming Metal event that will be impacting nearly all DC comics this upcoming summer. Much is revealed in this issue […]
