16th Jun2017

‘Faith #12’ Review (Valiant)

by Dan Clark

Written by Jody Houser | Art by Joe Eisma | Published by Valiant Faith has been gaining notoriety both outside and inside of her book so it was only a matter of time before she would be facing off against her first evil superhero team. Faithless, a group put together by Chris Chriswell, has come together over […]

29th Apr2013

Panel Discussion #003 with Jack Kirby AND Mark Allen

by Jack Kirby

Hello. How are you? I’m fine, cheers. First off this week, I’d like to thank the brilliant and talented Mark Allen for stepping in and manfully writing this column for the last couple of instalments whilst I’ve been swanning around northern Europe (if you’re ever looking for comics in Berlin, by the way, check out […]

17th Mar2013

Exclusive: Morning Glories’ Joe Eisma Interview

by Jack Kirby

Over the last year or so I’ve been slowly ingratiating myself into the wonderful and geek-tastic world of comics. Recently, I was lent the first volume of Morning Glories, a twisty, turny and thrilling series about a group of teens who have been inducted into the mysterious and sinister Morning Glory Academy and the strange […]