21st Apr2022

‘Painted in Blood’ VOD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Deiondre Teagle, Deborah Seidel, Brad Belemjian, Zach Lazar Hoffman, Allison Shrum, Alice Raver, David Ditmore, Dylan A. Young | Written and Directed by Aaron Mirtes Director Aaron Mirtes has been slowly plying his trade in the horror genre, making five feature films between 2017 and 2020 one of which, 2019’s American Hunt, was one […]

23rd Mar2021

‘Curse of the Blind Dead’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Aaron Stielstra, Alice Zanini, Francesca Pellegrini | Written by Francesco H. Aliberti, Lorenzo Paviano, Raffaele Picchio, Alessandro Testa | Directed by Raffaele Picchio If you’re of a certain age the term “Blind Dead” will probably mean nothing to you, but for those of use who grew up in the 80s and lived through the […]

10th Jun2020

‘Gold Dust’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: David Wysocki, David Wall, Darin Brooks, Chris Romano, Kerry Wall, Burns Burns, Garrett Marchbank, Maggie Hough, Derek Severson, Liam Wall, Much Hough, Finnegan Wall, Lucy Hough | Written and Directed by David Wall Somewhere along the border with Mexico, two lifelong friends – prospectors – use moth eaten maps and passed down legends in […]

07th May2020

‘The Alpha Test’ Review

by Chris Cummings

Stars: Mack Bayda, Brad Belemjian, David Ditmore, Rae Hunt, Bella Martin, Alice Raver, Wynn Reichert, Deborah Seidel | Written and Directed by Aaron Mirtes Written and directed (and more) by Aaron Mirtes, the man behind last years brilliant American Hunt, The Alpha Test is a thrilling science fiction flick that tells the story of a […]

03rd Apr2020

‘Alien Outbreak’ DVD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Katherine Drake, Ritchie Crane, Philip Alexander Baker, Michael Terry, Ian Rowe, Chris Barnicoat, Peggy Salmon, Tom Menary, Jason Collins, Aaron Deakins, Gemma Wilks | Written and Directed by Neil Rowe What better time to watch a film about people being quarantined that during a worldwide lockdown? Probably bad timing or poor taste but here […]

03rd Apr2020

‘Agent Jade Black’ DVD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Katie Burgess, Connie Franklin, Sidney Flack, Luke Wyckoff, Caleb Fellenstein, Rane Thomason, Taylor Reich, Tom Allen, Greg Williams, Brett Bower, Lee Patterson, John C. Bailey, Tyler Malinauskas, Michela Creel | Written and Directed by Terry Spears Well well well… High Octane Pictures, most known for releasing horror, thriller and sci-fi films of varying budgets […]

01st Apr2020

‘Rootwood’ VOD Review

by Chris Cummings

Stars: Tyler Gallant, Elissa Dowling, Sarah French, Felissa Rose, Tiffani Fest, Brandon Rhea, Kwame Head | Written by Mario von Czapiewski | Directed by Marcel Walz Written by Mario von Czapiewski and with Marcel Walz (who remade Blood Feast back in 2016) as director, Rootwood is a horror flick about a couple of student podcasters named […]

30th Mar2020

‘Covenant’ DVD Review

by Alain Elliott

Stars: Nick Smyth, Peter Valdron, Margaryta Soldatova, Dylan Lloyd, Paige Falardeau, Anna Carr, Kameryn Carr, Thia Sterling, Simon De Cicco, Vikki Lenola | Written by Ken Cardwell, Jeff Carr | Directed by Manuel H. Da Silva Covenant is one of the least intriguing and exciting titles a horror movie-maker could decide to call his film. […]

09th Mar2020

‘Jurassic Thunder’ DVD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Heath C. Heine, Rick Haak, Jon Cotton, Dmitri Raskes, Elvis Sharp, Ivan Pavletic, Aga Kistler, Rich Richardson III, Leon Mayfield, Nicole Goeke, Mia J Park, Kevon Ward, Mia Paris, Jared Johnson | Written by Milko Davis | Directed by Milko Davis, Thomas Martwick Jurassic Thunder starts as it means to go on. There’s an […]

06th Mar2020

‘A Wakefield Project’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Lindsay Seim, Dennis Andres, Anthony Bewlz, Rob Archer, Dan Yeager, Pedro Miguel Arce, Eileen Dietz, Brie Sutherland, Avery Esteves, Patrick Walker | Written by Lindsay Seim | Directed by L.A. Lopes Well, well. I’ve seen solar flares used as a myriad of excuses in sci-fi movies, from the rising tides to the earth’s temperature […]

17th Feb2020

‘Red Handed’ Review

by Dom Hastings

Stars: Michael Biehn, Michael Madsen, Kenzie Dalton, Ryan Carnes, Rick Salomon, Owen Burke, Christian Madsen, Clement von Franckenstein, Beth Miller, Hunter Daily, Caroline Vreeland, Jeb Berrier, Jay Seals, Thyme Lewis, Sage Mayer | Written and Directed by Frank Peluso A family trip down to the river they said. It will be peaceful and provide closure […]

31st Jan2020

‘Atomic Apocalypse’ DVD Review

by Chris Cummings

Stars: Krista DeMille, Andrea Sweeney-Blanco, Jesús Lloveras, William Mark McCullough, Ron Roggé, Christina DeRosa, Neil Dickson, Domenica Cameron-Scorsese, Lex Anastasia, Andrea R. Baker, Cory Birkenbuel, Ryder Kole Emerson, Nicholas Fabrio, Ice Fox, Randy Granstrom | Written and Directed by Martin Gooch Previously named Black Flowers (the title under which it screened at Sci-Fi London a […]

03rd Jan2020

‘American Hunt’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Brad Belemjian, David Ditmore, Lacy Hartselle, Taylor Novak, Cris Ruiz, Allison Shrum | Written and Directed by Aaron Mirtes A few months back there was some controversy in the horror community when, succumbing to political pressure, Blumhouse cancelled the release of their production The Hunt – which was, essentially, yet another hunting humans film […]

14th Nov2019

‘Portal’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Ryan Merriman, Jamie Tisdale, Myk Watford, Heather Langenkamp, Reinaldo Zavarce, Najarra Townsend, Lindsay Seim, Courtney Nightingale, Yan Birch | Written by Peter Dukes, Dean Alioto | Directed by Dean Alioto What’s that, yet ANOTHER horror film featuring ghost hunters? Surely that subject has been done to death by now… In fact it’s so played […]

30th Oct2019

‘Pumpkins’ Review

by Chris Cummings

Stars: Maria Lee Metheringham, Dani Thompson, Terry Wood, Will Metheringham, Craig Edwards, Samantha Hindman, Marcella Edgecombe-Craig, Georgia Annable, George Walker, Stacey Gough | Written by Maria Lee Metheringham, Will Metheringham | Directed by Maria Lee Metheringham There aren’t too many horror flicks set in the county of Yorkshire, so when one comes along, my Yorkshireman […]

22nd Oct2019

‘American Killing’ Review

by Chris Cummings

Stars: Trevor Peterson, Persia White, Caitlin Gerard, Demetri Goritsas, Christopher Wolfe, Melinda Lee, Sondra Blake, Adam Carr, Jennifer Christopher, Lenny Citrano, Max Kasch | Written by Matthew D. Ward | Directed by Justyn Ah Chong, Matthew D. Ward Written by Matthew D. Ward who co-directs with Justyn Ah Chong, American Killing is the feature debut […]

28th Jun2019

‘Crisis Hotline’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Mike Mizwicki, Pano Tsaklas, Corey Jackson, August Browning, Christopher Fung, Christian Gabriel, Michael Champlin | Written and Directed by Mark Schwab It’s very rare these days that I go into movies totally unprepared, yet such was the case with Crisis Hotline… I had no idea this direct to DVD title was, in fact, an […]

26th Apr2019

‘Impossible Mission’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Jimena Gala, Ben Vinnicombe, James Giblin, Karina Matas Piper, Maarten Swaan, Gilles Gambino, Alika Del Sol, Mat Cruz | Written and Directed by Gilles Gambino You have to respect the likes of High Octane Pictures and Wild Eye Releasing, the amount of truly independent genre films they put out in the US is astounding. […]

26th Mar2019

Horror ‘Drowning Echo’ warns “stay out of the pool!”

by Phil Wheat

A creature lurks within a swimming pool in Georges Padey’s chlorine-infused frightfest Drowning Echo, which premieres this April on Demand. During a visit to friends, Sara (Itziar Martinez) begins having visions and is attacked by an unearthly creature in her friend’s swimming pool. She soon discovers that anyone who comes into contact with the water […]

27th Nov2018

‘The Cabin’ Review (aka A Night in the Cabin)

by Alain Elliott

Stars: Christopher Lee Page, Caitlin Crommett, Erik Kammerland, Thomas Hedengran | Written by Erik Kammerland | Directed by Johan Bodell There are many many horror movies that centre around a cabin in the woods and unsurprisingly, The Cabin is another that can be added to that list. It’s not a very inventive title but neither […]

13th Sep2018

‘It Lives Inside’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Rett Terrell, Alissa Ford, Liam Rose, Laurie Cummings, Christian R. Black, Bill Brewer, Philip W. Paz, Justin Hendrix, Briana Looby, Reese Hollingsworth, Dawnavan Crawford | Written and Directed by Jeff Hall What happens when you take the Necronomicon from the Evil Dead, combined with the domestic setting of The Amityville Horror, the madness of […]

29th Jun2018

‘Inferno: Skyscraper Escape’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Claire Forlani, Jamie Bamber, Riley Jackson, Isaac Rouse, Nigel Barber, Atanas Srebrev, Nathan Cooper, Lorina Kamburova, Delly Allen, J.R. Esposito | Written by Regina Luvitt, Phillip J. Roth | Directed by Eric Summer Disaster strikes a downtown skyscraper when a gas leak causes a ferocious explosion setting ablaze the towering mass of metal and […]
