28th Jul2022

eBuying Comics – Do Comic Collectors do it Differently to Graphic Novel Readers?

by Guest

Feature by Matthew De Monti Yes I wholeheartedly apologise for the click bait style title, but this article has nothing to do with the bedroom antics of comic fans, rather whether they prefer their reading in floppy or hard format (sorry!) Recently I had a WhatsApp message from a friend showing a picture of the […]

28th Jun2022

eBuying Comics – Are You Flip-Flopping Over Manga?

by Guest

Walk into most comic shops and indeed Waterstones or WH Smiths and you are guaranteed to find a selection of Manga on sale. They will be roughly paperback size and won’t look out of place racked with their wordy, image-less cousins but the one striking difference is that you will be reading them the other […]

27th Jun2022

eBuying Comics – What Is A Back Issue Comic?

by Guest

Walk into any newsagent and you will see rows and rows of magazines and periodicals covering all interests and genres with a weekly, monthly or quarterly publication date. Similarly, drop into your local comic shop and you are likely to see a similar arrangement with racks of comics, sometimes arranged with the week’s release first […]

27th May2022

eBuying Comics: Week 77

by Ian Wells

This week we are going to take a look at the history of TMNT comics by looking in-depth at the supporting cast of allies and enemies. There will be a section of people reading this who would have been like me in the ’90s thinking these characters were only from toys and a cartoon. So […]

14th Apr2022

eBuying Comics: Week 76

by Ian Wells

Recently I relisted some unsold items, but this time I used the ‘item specifics.’ eBay claim this increases traffic to your listings and increases the chances of selling. Below you can see the before and after results. I have come to the conclusion that what they claim is simply not true, although admittedly it is […]

24th Mar2022

eBuying Comics: Week 75

by Ian Wells

Welcome to the first Versus of 2022 and it is a big one to start! This year I wanted to go bigger than just pitting similar characters together. 2022 is also the 30th anniversary of the birth of Image Comic, so what better way to start than by having the Image 7 face off in […]

22nd Feb2022

eBuying Comics: Week 73 – Lucky Target Comics Q&A

by Ian Wells

This week I have a brilliant Q and A with Sumyra of Lucky Target Comics. I discovered Lucky Target Comics last summer after seeing a Tweet from the writer of Alex Automatic, Fraser Campbell. He had scored an excellent collection of Daredevil issues from the site, a number of which I myself had on my […]

04th Feb2022

eBuying Comics: Week 72

by Ian Wells

This past weekend I attended my first comic con since 2019. In fact it was my first visit to the London Comic Mart since 2017! The one thing I immediately noticed was my fingers were well out of practice at nimbly working my through the long boxes. The good news is that the event seemed […]

18th Jan2022

eBuying Comics: Week 71

by Ian Wells

A belated welcome to 2022 to everyone! I wanted to start by talking about some sales success I had just before Christmas. I sold a few of the X-Men comics, got a questionnaire back from one buy and even managed to sell some trading cards at last! I won’t let it go to my head […]

22nd Dec2021

eBuying Comics: Week 70

by Ian Wells

With the doom and gloom all the uncertainty in the real world is bringing I thought I would try and lighten the mood. So this week I’m ditching the comics talk and diving into some toy and collectibles talk. Together we will take a trip to Christmas’s of yesteryear to look at some of my […]

09th Dec2021

eBuying Comics: Week 69 – A Christmas Buying Guide!

by Ian Wells

With Christmas fast approaching I thought I would take in the role of the ever helpful happy elf and throw out some comic book gift ideas. It must be tough buying for us nerds, we can be a fussy bunch. I fortunately do not have any other nerds to buy for, I don’t envy the […]

26th Nov2021

eBuying Comics: Week 68

by Ian Wells

This week I will be revisiting the items from my X-Men sale that were first listed in Week 45. I am using an old Wizard Magazine this time around, as well as the grades and values on Zap Kapow Comics to come at the same issues with a fresh approach. Also this time round there […]

30th Sep2021

eBuying Comics: Week 65

by Ian Wells

The month of October will be dedicated to running auctions in support of The Hero Initiative. This is a project I have been planning the logistics for, for some time now. During the height of the pandemic probably seemed the best time to do it as it was helping a worthwhile cause. Of course on […]

11th Aug2021

eBuying Comics: Week 62

by Ian Wells

This week I will be taking an in depth look at some key issues from the ‘Bronze Age.’ I will be going indepth for all the ;Comics Ages’ in the future. I am starting with the Bronze because it is the era I am most familiar with as a reader and a collector. Also it […]

10th Jun2021

eBuying Comics: Week 59

by Ian Wells

This week I have very fortunately been given access to the Golden Age level membership for zapkapowcomics.com which I reviewed in Week 55. Also I have a brief interview with Steve of Zapkapow Comics as well. First I have to make an amendment to the last review. I now know how to add/remove single issues […]

24th Mar2021

eBuying Comics: Week 54

by Ian Wells

There really is only one topic to talk about this week. I am of course referring to Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the comics and the storylines that influenced it. A quick review to get us started. I loved it. I thought it was a triumph in story telling and cinematography. I think I only used […]

04th Feb2021

eBuying Comics: Week 51

by Ian Wells

Comics may be more accessible than ever right now (as I state everyweek) with TPB’s being the biggest seller. As well as your LCS you can walk into places like Waterstones and HMV and be greeted with a healthy selection of the latest paperback collections. This change in the market has no doubt brought a […]

27th Jan2021

eBuying Comics: Week 50

by Ian Wells

Are we in the new age of a second speculator boom? Immediately I would say yes. But there are a lot of caveats to go with that answer. It is not a heat of the moment answer. It is something I have believed has been coming for a number of years, possibly even longer than […]

08th Jan2021

eBuying Comics: Week 49

by Ian Wells

This week I just want to do a round up of what 2021 has in store for eBuying Comics. But first before everyone gets carried away with looking forward I have one piece of looking back to do. So without delay lets jump into the last year and a half of character spotlights and see […]

17th Nov2020

eBuying Comics: Week 46

by Ian Wells

With the country in another lockdown so close to Christmas I thought I would dedicate this space to shining a light on comic shops operating postal, or covid secure click and collect services during this time. Hit me up in the comments or on Twitter @IanWells87 or email me ianwells87@hotmail.com to keep this list fresh […]

28th Oct2020

eBuying Comics: Week 45

by Ian Wells

The Fantastic Four may well be Marvel’s first family but the X-Men are very much my family. I was a fan of the animated series as a kid and like most people was drawn to Wolverine and the infrequent appearances of Cable. There was something about Rogue that a young me didn’t understand! Things really […]

08th Oct2020

eBuying Comics: Week 44

by Ian Wells

The West coast of America. Home once upon a time to a second team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The target is one of those heroes, having served on both rosters. A mere mortal amongst gods and soldiers, time and time again he has put it all on the line and came out to fight another […]
