22nd Apr2015

The Scream Cast – Episode 58: Don’t Go In The Woods… Alone… Ever!

by Phil Wheat

Welcome to the latest episode of The ScreamCast! Each episode sees hosts Sean Duregger and Brad Henderson review a Scream Factory release, however this week the ScreamCast gang are doing things a little differently… This week Brad and Sean have an epic “What’s On Your Doorstep” discussion followed by a return of the Vinegar Syndrome […]

24th Feb2015

‘Don’t Go In the Woods’ Blu-ray Review (88 Films)

by Paul Metcalf

Stars: Jack McClelland, Mary Gail Artz, James P. Hayden, Angie Brown, Ken Carter, David Barth, Larry Roupe, Amy Martell, Tom Drury, Laura Trefts, Alma Ramos, Carolyn Braza, Frank Millen, McCormick Dalten, McCormick Dalten, Cecilia Fannon | Written by Garth Eliassen | Directed by James Bryan Sometimes horror films rely one one thing…and that is gore, […]

30th Jul2014

88 Films announce “Slasher Classics” collection!

by Phil Wheat

Ask any self-respecting slasher buff about the genre’s ‘golden age’ and they will doubtlessly wax poetic about the plasma-packed pot-boilers of the 1980s – the decade of destruction that gave us Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger and the transsexual teen-tormenter of the Sleepaway Camp series. Given the label’s name, what better way for 88 Films to […]
