14th Jul2021

Wolverine Wednesday #45

by Ian Wells

Wolverine #13 Writer: Benjamin Percy | Artist: Scot Eaton | Inker: Oren Junior | Colourist: Matthew Wilson | Letters: Cory Petit The Hellfire Gala comes to the pages of Wolverine… and it’s not an easy read! Since X-Men relaunched under the guidance of Hickman I have been trying to stay in touch with all the […]

08th Apr2021

eBuying Comics: Week 55

by Ian Wells

This Easter weekend in between eating chocolate and re-watching The Defenders on Netflix I did some comic collection housekeeping. There was a two pronged attack to the housekeeping: First I wanted to update my want lists both into a new notebook and in order of priority. Next I came across a new website for cataloguing […]

01st Nov2019

eBuying Comics: Week 30

by Ian Wells

From their humble Silver Age beginnings, to comic culture behemoth, to Marvel’s first successful movie franchise. The X-Men have certainly had a roller coaster ride in their fifty six years existence. Starting out with a roster of five (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Iceman and Angel) led by Charles Xavier the ranks of the X-Men increased […]

30th Aug2019

eBuying Comics: Week 25

by Ian Wells

We all know the classics. Frank Miller’s Daredevil run, Chris Claremont’s epic run on Uncanny X-Men with John Byrne and Dave Cockrum among others. Bill Sienkiewicz taking over New Mutants and making the comics world sit up. What I am going to do this week is look at some legendary creators and their first Marvel […]
