‘Impact Wrestling’ Review (Oct 19th 2023)
Welcome to this week’s review of Impact Wrestling, which this week opens with a Before the Impact match that saw KiLynn King defeat Jody Threat (I always appreciate a King match, even better when she gets the win!). Let’s get into the review…
Match #1: Mike Bailey def. Samuray Del Sol
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Mike Bailey looks to tune up for his match against Will Ospreay at Bound For Glory but can he overcome the high-flying offense of Samuray Del Sol? Bailey dives through the ropes but lands hard on the floor. Del Sol gains the early advantage with a springboard Moonsault. Bailey turns the tide with a flurry of kicks, then hits a running Shooting Star for two. Both men are down following double dropkicks in the middle of the ring. The fight spills to the floor and it happens again. Bailey soars with a springboard corkscrew, taking out Del Sol on the outside. Bailey connects with the Tornado Kick, followed by Ultima Weapon to win.
My Score: 3.5 out of 5
Match #2: Kenny King def. Heath
The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:
Kenny King seeks vengeance on Heath after he played a role in the demise of King’s Digital Media Title reign! Heath drives him face-first into the apron. Jean provides a distraction at ringside but Heath makes him pay with a right hook. Heath hits King with a suplex from the apron into the ring. Moments later, both men go toppling over the top rope to the floor and Heath tweaks his ankle in the process. King targets the injured left ankle, using the bulk of the referee’s five count on the ropes. Heath creates separation, then soars with a top rope clothesline. Both men are down following a mid-ring collision. Heath fights through the pain to deliver a thunderous powerslam for two. The referee catches King with his feet on the ropes. Heath connects with a Spinebuster for another near fall. Heath knocks Jean off the apron but the distraction allows King to hit the Royal Flush for three.
My Score: 3 out of 5
Match #3: No Disqualification Match – Crazzy Steve def Black Taurus
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Former friends have turned into bitter enemies as the unhinged Crazzy Steve battles Black Taurus with no disqualifications! Steve assaults Taurus with multiple steel chairs shots to the back. Steve hits a side Russian leg sweep into the hardest part of the ring, then smashes Taurus with a trash can. Moments later, Taurus drives him spine-first into two steel chairs. Taurus hits a pair of Slingblades but Steve bounces back and spikes him into the mat. Steve hits a back body drop, sending Taurus over the top rope into a pile of chairs on the floor. Steve pulls a fork out of his Feast or Fired briefcase but Taurus fights him off. Steve rakes the eyes instead, then uses his briefcase as a weapon. Steve hits Belladonna’s Kiss to win.
My Score: 3.5 out of 5
Match #4: Moose & Brian Myers def. Rhino & PCO
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Before Rhino, PCO, Moose and Steve Maclin collide in Monster’s Ball at Bound For Glory, we get a preview of what’s to come in tag team action! Moose and PCO exchange chops in the corner but PCO gains the upper-hand with a side Russian leg sweep. Rhino repeatedly drives Moose head-first into the turnbuckle pad. Myers provides a distraction, allowing Moose to seize control from Rhino. Moose hits a strong Irish whip into the corner but can’t suplex the “War Machine”. Rhino creates separation with a suplex of his own, then makes the tag to PCO. The pace quickens as PCO goes on the attack. PCO hits Myers with a Lungblower, followed by a leg drop off the second rope. Moose saves Myers from the PCOsault. Rhino is setting up for the Gore when Steve Maclin pulls him out of the ring. In a shocking turn of events, Bully Ray comes to the aid of Rhino. Back in the ring, Moose spears PCO to win.
My Score: 3 out of 5
Match #5: Trinity & Mickie James def. Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans
The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:
Just 48 hours before they face off for the Knockouts World Championship, Trinity and Mickie James join forces to battle Gisele Shaw and Savannah Evans! Shaw and Evans jump them from behind before the opening bell. Trinity and James quickly turn the tide as they take their opponents down with a pair of Thesz presses. Shaw gets involved from the apron, allowing Evans to pummel Trinity with a clothesline. Moments later, Trinity connects with a Hurricanrana on Shaw, then tags out to James. James hits Shaw with a neckbreaker but it’s only enough for a one count. Vidal pulls Shaw to safety but Trinity takes out both him and Shaw with a slingshot crossbody do the outside. Evans pulls Trinity’s hair as Shaw gains control with a superkick. Shaw knocks James off the apron. An incensed James inadvertently distracts the referee as she tries to illegally enter the match. In turn, this provides Shaw and Evans with a double team opportunity on Trinity. Trinity creates separation with a springboard kick to Evans, then makes the tag to James. The pace quickens as James goes on the attack. James soars with her signature seated senton on Shaw. Shaw and Evans deliver a backbreaker dropkick combo to James but Trinity breaks the pin attempt. Trinity takes Shaw out of the equation with a slingshot Facebuster. James puts Evans away with the MickDT for three.
My Score: 3.5 out of 5
Final Verdict: 3.5/5
Another fantastic week of wrestling for Impact, with a show that – in terms of in-ring action – put some of the bigger shows to shame. This was also a great example of a top-notch go-home show, with the excitement really being felt for this weekend’s Bound For Glory throughout this show. I’ve got to admit, on paper this didn’t look like a stellar show – I mean Kenny King versus Heath, and Moose & Brian Myers versus Rhino & PCO didn’t really get me amped up for this episode but hell, once again Impact proves me wrong. And I’m glad to be proven wrong. In fact, it’s just made me even more excited for Impact’s live show In Glasgow next week! Roll on Thursday in Glasgow… Can’t wait!