02nd Nov2022

‘Sovereign Pro Wrestling: First Reign’ Review

by Kevin Haldon

Sovereign Pro Wrestling (or SovPro) is the new recently launched independent Wrestling company in the UK. The brainchild of Adam “Shotty Horroh” Rooney (the best there is, there was and ever will be in UK battle rap) and Zubie Baig. A dream years in the making that promises to show off some of the best in the UK and beyond. It’s been a long journey for SovPro to get to their first official show but at the Trinity Sports Centre in Manchester on October 1st, SovPro would host their first official event…

FIRST REIGN was to be the showcase for this fledgling company as they put their flag in the sand and declare to the world that “some said they wasn’t gonna show up” but they are here. A 3-hour show with no less than 8 matches with roughly 26 workers including the likes of up-and-comers like Kidd Bandit, Harley Hudson, Joey Hayes and Whatculture’s own Simon Miller.

Sadly I could not make it down to Manchester for the event which had tons of promise. I did know a couple of lads that were headed down there though and the buzz from them afterwards was insane, it sounded like the first event had been a banger. Thankfully a couple of weeks later SovPro would drop the official Vimeo link to their show, meaning it was time for Kev to dive in and check out the show. So I thought why drop a cheeky review of FIRST REIGN

Right off the bat, we open with the legend that is Shotty Horroh taking to his new domain to let the world know SovPro was here. We waste no time in getting to our first-ever history-making bout which is:

Match #1: Tom “Mancunian Stallion” Thellwell vs. Maverick Mayhew

On paper Thelwell and Mayhew is the perfect way to start FIRST REIGN, two up-and-coming Brits tearing up the indie scene right now that come packaged with a ton of charisma talent. The match started nice and calm with a few shows of respect from both men (I say this with tongue firmly in cheek). A few lockups later and Mayhew hits a gorgeous SLAM SUPLEX, near misses on a SWANTON but is very much in control till Thelwell mounts a comeback of multiple meaty clotheslines and a GERMAN SUPLEX PIN for a 2 count. Both are off to races now with SUPERKICKS and near falls before Thelwell hits a BICYCLE KNEE into a MADE IN MANCHESTER and gets the 3. SovPro is one match deep and we have our first-ever winner in hometown boy Tom Thelwell.

Verdict: A very steady start to the show both guys looked impressive, enjoyed this bout a lot and felt like a nice steady opener.

My Score: 2.5/5

Match #2: R.J Singh vs. Benjamin “The Pain Baker” Black

Black comes right out of the gate with a hellish SPEAR knocking Singh out of his boots and the ring. Once back in the ring Black delivers not 1 but 3 SUPLEXES for a 2 count. Singh keeps trying to pull off the comeback but Black slaps on the FULL NELSON and almost puts Singh to sleep. Singh starts getting into the match with some decent offence including a sexy FLYING CLOTHESLINE. The back and forth between the two is great with Black being methodical and Singh a little more chaotic as he tries to mount some kind of offence. Singh takes to the top rope for an outstanding MOONSAULT to the crowd’s delight. Singh winds up for a DDT but Black reverses into a stunning DEATH VALLEY DRIVER that looks absolutely brutal as he makes the pin for the win. Black walks off looking like a legit beast while RJ Singh is attacked by a hooded figure who reveals himself to be Kelly Sixx as he walks out and recites the Shotty Trademark “some said I wasn’t gonna show up”.

Verdict: A relatively quick match for the night we are about to have but Benjamin Black looks like an absolute beast here, never really being in trouble. RJ Singh though is technically pleasing to watch.

My Score: 3/5

Danny Duggan is out back with Moreena Baig and cuts a promo on Joey Hayes that personally I thought was a tad weak but it got the point across let’s hope he wrestles better.

Match #3: Aurora Teves vs. Lucia Lee

Our first women’s division match and after crowd chants of “STAY HYDRATED” both women look ready to go. A very grappling, lock up, reversal affair. Showing some superb ability from these two. Seemingly having scouted each other and countering each other’s moves, even faking each other out until Teves hits a nice although slightly sloppy HURRICANRANA. From there we are hitting submissions until Lucia Lee in her ‘Kill Bill’ inspired attire hits a FLYING BACK ELBOW into a SHOTGUN DROPKICK into the turnbuckle then another SHOTGUN DROPKICK to the back of the head for a 2.999999 count (it was that close). Teves starts getting in good offence but after a double head kick to each other Lucia Lee hits a couple of brutal SUPLEXES for another ball hair away 2 count. Finally though Lee works on putting Teves away with a TKO followed by a CATTLE MUTILATION for the submission. Lee with the win.

Verdict: These opening 3 matches seemed to fly by. I loved the Back and Forth between these two women and both were pulling off some great moves that at times looked like the hard hits, hit hard. Can’t say it’s a contender for match of the night but it gives a great sense of how this women’s division could look!

My Score: 3/5

Match #4: Crown Cup Elimination Match – Simon Miller vs. Big Guns Joe vs. Iestyn Rees vs. Kidd Bandit vs. Ian Skinner vs. Smashing Mike vs. HT Drake vs. Commander Sterling

So first up I have to mention the pop for the Simon Miller and Kidd Bandit entrances.

We start with Miller, Joe, Rees and Bandit in the ring. Miller and Joe take to the outside while Rees and Bandit face off in the ring. The exchange in the ring is mostly in favour of Bandit with flips and reversals culminating in a HEAD TAKEDOWN followed by a somewhat modified 619 using the knees (very nice). Rees lifts Bandit in the air in a nice show of strength as he takes over before Miller is back in the ring and makes the save, Miller and Bandit respectfully shake hands and then lock up. Temporary alliances are soon made as Joe and Rees are back in the ring.

That’s 90 seconds and out comes Ian Skinner. Having decided he won’t get in the ring just yet Skinner heads to the announce table. Rees launches Joe out of the ring as Miller is back in and starts unloading punches in bunches against the turnbuckle. Big Guns Joe hits Rees with a SUPLEX and a SPEAR into the corner before hurling Bandit out the ring Miller is back In and unloading on Joe leading to a hellacious SPINEBUSTER (if you know your indies you may know that Miller and Joe have been involved in somewhat of a feud lately) after a near fall Miller goes for a big sexy SPEAR only to clatter the ring post as Joe vaults over him. Miller and Big Guns Joe are toe to toe in the ring trading elbows and that’s another 90 seconds up enter

Smashing Mike, it looks like Mike and Iestyn Rees are going to go at it before Mike makes a B-Line for Skinner on the announce table, forcing Skinner to leg it, with the two disappearing back through the curtain. In the ring, Joe has Miller in a BOSTON CRAB for the ages. Smashing Mike and Skinner are back out. All the while Rees and Bandit are trading blows on the outside.

Another 90 seconds down and it’s HT Drake, Drake is up on the apron HIGH KICKS Big Guns Joe to the head.. Miller hits Joe with the SPEAR and gets the 3 count. Big Guns Joe is eliminated.

Miller is back up when HT Drake hits him with a SPRINGBOARD SPINNING KICK that is as beautiful as it is lethal. Bandit runs at Drake only for Drake to counter into a BACK BREAKER (drake is looking like a beast). Skinner, being chased by Mike, runs through the ring before Drake hits a SPRINGBOARD LONGBLOWER on Smashing Mike, Skinner throws Drake from the ring and gets the 3 on Smashing Mike. Smashing Mike is eliminated.

Rees is in control of Drake on the outside as Skinner heads back to the announce table. Back in the ring Kid Bandit hits Miller with an inflatable (that’s not a move, I mean an actual inflatable toy). Bandit is working over Miller in the corner before Miller gets the POWERBOMB in the middle of the ring.

Commander Sterling is our final entrant. Who takes to the ring with a mic in hand and introduces themselves to the crowd before Miller and Bandit get set about them together and receive a DOUBLE CHOKESLAM for their efforts.

Bandit hits a DROP KICK to Sterling from the top rope. Before using Miller as a springboard only to be caught by Sterling and CHOKESLAMMED onto Miller’s back. Sterling clears the ring as HT Drake attempts an attack from the top rope that Sterling counters with SLAM and gets a 3 count HT Drake is eliminated.

Sterling stands tall in the middle of the ring as Rees appears behind them and tries to mount an assault. On the outside, Drake plows Skinner into the ring post on his way to the back. Rees with a cheeky EYE RAKE on Sterling followed by a fairly weak slam and a 3 count. Commander Sterling is eliminated. Rees is striking a pose in the ring when Miller hits him with the MOST DEVASTATING MANOEUVRE IN ALLLLLLL OF SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT, THE SURPRISE ROLL-UP. Iestyn Rees is eliminated.

As Miller is celebrating, Rees runs distraction from the outside allowing Skinner to hit THE SURPRISE ROLL-UP on Miller. Simon Miller is eliminated.

Our final two are Ian Skinner and Kidd Bandit. The next 3 to 4 minutes is a stunning display of athleticism and striking ability. Bandit takes to the top rope and here we have a dodgy edit (I think we do anyway unless I missed something) Bandit slips and Skinner tries to take advantage with a German off the second rope but Kidd Bandit clears him off with some ELBOWS then goes for a PHOENIX 450 (executed to perfection) sadly misses this and Skinner locks in an OCTOPUS STRETCH. Bandit manages to turn this around before Skinner nails a BRAINBUSTER for a dramatic 2 count.

Skinner mounts one last offence before Kidd Bandit reverses for a huge FINISHER and gets the pin to become the first-ever CROWN CUP CHAMP. To a massive response from the crowd, streamers everywhere as Bandit is joined by Simon Miller and Warhorse to celebrate. Bandit is over like rover with this crowd and rightly so. Cody would be proud of this performance.

Verdict: This matchup smashed every expectation I had. Miller, Bandit, HT Drake and Big Guns Joe all came out of this looking impressive with Kidd Bandit looking like an absolute superstar (push Bandit to the moon). 8 Wrestlers that I didn’t know a massive deal about, but now I want to!

My Score: 4/5

Match #5: The 87 (Alexander Roth & Roy Johnson) vs. CPF (Danny Black & Joe Lando)

Bell rings and The 87 start laying into CPF but it’s not long before CPF turn this around culminating in a SUICIDE DIVE to the outside from Joe Lando and a MOONSAULT in the ring for Danny Black for a 2 count.
CPF working the tag combinations look to be in control in these opening stages. Black from the outside nails a flip back over the ropes into a STUNNER but holds his opponent down while Lando DROPKICK SENTONs off the top rope (Close Personal Friends are wonderful to watch).
Roy Johnson of The 87 finally turns the tides when he scores a Brutal as hell LARIAT giving him a chance to make the tag. Alexander Roth is working over Joe Lando in the corner before making the tag back to Johnson. A Few combinations of STOMPS and Tags later The 87 are well in control now. However, Joe Lando against the run of play hits a MATRIX CUTTER leading to the classic HOT TAG from both teams. A refreshed and energised Danny Black takes on both opponents using his MEETING OF THE MINDS then pulls off a HURRICANRANA on Roth using him to SPEAR partner Johnson for a 2 count.

Black falls foul to an 87 tag combo only for Lando to break the count with an unnecessary but sexy as hell standing SHOOTING STAR PRESS. Black looks to be on the comeback when Roth reverses for a POWERBOMB before CPF pulls off a BACKSTABBER MOONSAULT combo for a near fall. After an exciting couple of minutes of back and forth, The 87 are in position and perform a STOMP to the back off of the top rope and make the 3 count. The 87 are your winners.

Verdict: This is tag team wrestling at its absolute finest, both teams got amazing offence in with some brilliant combinations. A great story was told in the ring and everyone came out looking great in defeat and glory.

My Score: 4/5

Sam Gradwell is here, but he ain’t on the card. Mic in hand he takes to the ring claiming that he is SovPro! Cutting a pretty fiery promo Gradwell is here to make a statement and stake his claim to the SOVPRO title whoever wins tonight.

Match #6: Danny Duggan vs. Joey Hayes

Time to see if Duggan can wrestle better than his earlier promo.

The opening stages are all reversals and clinches with the two just feeling each other out. A test of strength ensues until Duggan has Hayes on the Matt for a series of pinfall attempts. Until Hayes breaks the momentum with a MONKEY FLIP. A canny few ROLLING PIN reversals later we are back on our feet and into another test of strength with Duggan going into the STRAIGHT JACKET submission but Hayes not giving up reverses into a STRAIGHT JACKET of his own that Duggan powers out of.

Hayes begins to take control and plants a few CLOTHESLINEs in the corner and a critical BIG KNEE LIFT to the head. Trading chops in the corner, these two Meat Slappy men start Slapping Meat. Duggan starts to focus on Hayes’ knee after a smart DROPKICK, a submission attempt and some hearty STOMPS. Hayes trying to get back into the match is reversed into a BACKBREAKER before Hayes breaks another Submission hold and tries to get back into this matchup.

Joey Hayes looks to be in trouble with the knee but manages to hit a NECK BREAKER before ascending to the top rope but Duggan hits the ropes making Hayes lose balance. Hayes managing to get back up hits the FLYING CROSSBODY which Duggan reverses into a SINGLE LEG BOSTON (improvising from a failed Boston I suspect but still impressive enough). Hayes makes the bottom rope. With both men making it to their feet for a good old-fashioned SLOBBER KNOCKER in the centre of the ring. Hayes gaining the momentum hits Duggan with a INZAGUIRE straight into a JKO for the nearest of pinfalls you could get.

Kelly Sixx is back out causing an interference, causing the ref to leave the ring to send him to the back, Hayes is attacked from behind and it’s revealed to be Leighton Buzzard… Duggan hits A BRAINBUSTER to Hayes and that’s the 3. Danny Duggan with the surprise upset of the night. Sixx, Buzzard and Duggan stand tall in the ring as they declare themselves The Killective!

Verdict: I was all in for this match and it would seem SovPro is starting their stories and feuds on the first night. Love the idea of the Killective, Kelly Sixx attacking RJ Singh earlier now the team beating down on Joey Hayes. We are establishing stories and I love stories.

My Score: 4/5

Match 7: Mariah May vs. Harley Hudson in a Dreamhouse Deathmatch where Anything Pink is Legal!

Both of these women come down to the ring looking like absolute superstars! The bell has barely rung when they start laying into each other with a flurry of punches with Hudzilla coming out on top and even getting to show us some press-ups using May as a bench punctuated by a smart ELBOW DROP.

Hudson takes to the outside for some weapons when May hits her with a clinical BASEBALL SLIDE to the face before turning to the PINK BAKING TRAYS. The two women end up having a PINK FISHING NET duel, May try’s to escape the carnage but is thrown into the RAILINGS for her troubles. Hudson takes May into the crowd but comes a cropper as May attacks her with a fan’s PINK BASEBALL CAP (am I actually writing this shit??).

The pair end up in the bleachers as Hudson is leading May back to the ring stopping for an exchange at the entrance tunnel and nailing a SUPLEX, She heads up the bleachers and CROSSBODY’S onto May and the Ref down below… Stunning. Holy Shit chants ring around the Arena for the first time I can recall on the night. Back to the ring and May manages to mount some offence with a DDT onto a PINK HUBCAP for a 2 count.
May comes at Hudzilla with a PINK GUITAR only to end up eating a SPINEBUSTER followed by the PINK GUITAR across the back and a second time for good measure. Hudson is going for a dive through the ropes when May clocks her with a PINK LICENCE PLATE. Now it’s time for the PINK HANDCUFFS as Mariah May cuffs Hudson to the ropes and lays in some PUNCHES, a nice HIGH PUNT to the face and a PINK STRAP across the back. May heads out of the ring for a PINK BIN LID but when he returns finds Hudson has broken out of the Cuffs.

Hudson unleashes the fists, pulls out the JAWBREAKER and finishes with a STUNNER but it’s only good for a 2. From there it’s PINK BINS, PINK KENDO STICKS and the worst thing of all PINK LEGOS to chants of “you sick fuck”. Both opponents are teasing SUPLEXES onto the LEGOS before May reverses Hudson in the corner and executes a pretty delicious POWERBOMB to Hudson for a 2 and 3 quarters count to chants of “this is awesome”. Some shenanigans as Mariah May reaches for her bag only to have it taken away and we find there is a BRICK inside the bag, it’s not PINK so it’s not legal. SURPRISE ROLL UP from Hudson for a 2 as May preps for a PEDIGREE but this is countered into a rolling pin and HARLEY HUDSON gets the 3 count.

After the Bell, May attacks Hudson and demands a mic, it turns out she has a birthday treat for Hudzilla. Calls for a cake to be brought out and aims for a PEDIGREE over it which Hudson reverses into a LEG SWEEP onto the CAKE. HARLEY HUDSON walks out looking like an absolute superstar.

Verdict: Gimmick aside this match was pretty decent, it started fairly slow as the two felt their way into the match. Hudson has all the tools to be huge, the look, the vibe and the talent. I look forward to seeing what both of these women do in this company going forward. This women’s division has the makings already.

My Score: 3.5/5

Match #8: Main Event – Joseph Conners vs. Warhorse vs. Malik vs. Levi Muir in a Fatal Four Way for the SOVPRO World Heavyweight Title.

Here we are at the big one ready to make history and crown our inaugural Sovereign Pro Wrestling Champ.

Bell rings and Malik squares up with Conners then Muir before DROPKICKING Warhorse out of the ring as Muir CLOTHESLINES Connors over the top rope leaving Malik and Muir in the middle of the ring where Muir uses his strength to gain an upper hand. Muir with a tidy FALLAWAY SLAM keeps asserting dominance. A series of reversals later and Connors is back in the match after a gnarly SPIN HEEL KICK to the head, it’s short-lived though as Warhorse re-enters charging Conners to the corner with a flurry of CHOPS and PUNCHES. Some crisscrossing off the ropes ensues before Warhorse takes down Connors with a BACK ELBOW STRIKE followed by a sexy POWERSLAM. Malik is back in the ring but eats a SPINEBUSTER from Warhorse followed by a MISSILE DROPKICK to Conor’s off the top rope (Warhorse is on fire).

Everyone is on the outside laying PUNCHES and CHOPS into each other. Malik and Connors using the barricade against their respective opponents. Till they meet and face off to chants of ‘This is Awesome’. The hellish battle spills over the barricade into the crowds with Warhorse and Connors exchanging offence including a scintillating DROPKICK from Warhorse. This has turned into a war with Muir IRISH WHIPPING Malik into the barricade. Muir heads to Warhorse and Conners and is slammed by Connors for his troubles Connors heads up the steps to Warhorse and exchanges blows before hitting Warhorse with a DDT from hell.
Connors declaring he is the SovPro champion, grabbing Muir and throwing him over the Barricade and leading him to the ring. In the ring, Muir takes some control back with a well-timed RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP and a EUROPEAN UPPERCUT. Connors is back up and looking for a SUPLEX, joined by Malik they look for the double SUPLEX on Muir which is reversed into a DOUBLE SUPLEX by Muir to the two men to chants of “SovPro Wrestling”. Muir has Connors in the corner with the punches to the head, Conners lifts Muir and is looking for some sort of slam when Malik re-enters the ring and DROPKICKS Muir from Connors’ shoulders.
Malik and Connors face to face in the ring as Warhorse pounces from the top rope with a SPRING DROPKICK. Warhorse goes on a mini tear from corner to corner delivering multiple CLOTHESLINE before planting Muir with one hell of a LARIAT for a 2 broken by Malik. Warhorse seems to be in control again which has been the tale of this matchup. Time for Connors to attack but receives a BIG BACK SUPLEX as Warhorse asserts dominance. Warhorse Heads onto the ring apron for a DROP KICK to the back of Malik’s head ascends the Turnbuckle for a NECK STOMP to a standing Connors but the 3 is broken by Muir.

Muir now has Warhorse in the corner up on the turnbuckle, hitting multiple ELBOWS, starts to ascend and Malik re-enters the ring pulling down Muir face first onto the mat. Malik ascends to put Warhorse away, he is joined by Muir underneath for a TOWER OF DOOM with Connors just up to his feet taking the full force of Warhorse’s feet on the way over (this was a magical spot) Muir goes for the pin but Malik kicks out. Warhorse tries next who kicks out heads to Connors who hits Muir with a Roll-up that Muir kicks out and they are on their feet Muir hits a NECKBREAKER. Warhorse puts Muir in the corner for a BRUTAL RUNNING KNEE Malik is up and hits Warhorse with an IZAGUIRRE, tries to lock in the submission but it’s reversed into a pin.

Connors comes over the top rope with a SLINGSHOT DDT to Malik followed by a saucy BACKBREAKER goes for Muir who reverses into a TKO on Connors… surely that’s it!!! 1..2.. Broken by Malik. Muir with Spear to Malik in one corner a BIG SPLASH in another Warhorse interrupts as the two exchange offence and reversals before Muir hits the CROSSBODY on Warhorse and Malik breaks the count with a kick to the head. Muir is fired up and heads to the top but as he flies Malik counters with a deadly CUTTER but it’s only a 2 count as Muir barely gets the shoulder up.

Warhorse and Malik are back up in the middle of the ring trading huge PUNCHES crisscrossing on the ropes culminating in Warhorse locking in a SHARPSHOOTER on Malik, Malik can’t make the rope and he taps giving Warhorse the WIN… but the ref is on on the outside of the ring distracted by Malik’s Manager Kosta who is sent to the back with a furious Warhorse he should be Champ right now. Malik hits him with the most devastating move in allllll of sports entertainment THE SURPRISE ROLL UP 1..2..2.5…KICK OUT.

PUNCHES and CHOPS resume with Malik using Warhorse like a HEAVY BAG but both look done, somehow Malik pulls out a DRAGON SUPLEX Warhorse unfazed hits a HALF an HALF goes up top to land a GORGEOUS ELBOW DROP. Ref only makes a 2 count as Connors on the outside pulls him from the ring. Connors goes in for the big finish but Warhorse reverses and hits a massive POWERBOMB for a 10 count but the Ref is still out.

Malik and Muir brawling on the outside as Warhorse hits a SENTON through the ropes. Warhorse from The top to Connors but spots the knees come up, stops short and looks for the SHARPSHOOTER but can’t lock it in before Connors LOW BLOWS to the GRAPEFRUITS and hits a STRAIGHTJACKET NECK BREAKER and it’s 1..2..3! Joseph Connors is your inaugural SOVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION to a rally of Boos around the hall. But he ain’t done yet as he absolutely MELTS Warhorse with the belt to the face like a dastardly heel as the Boos ring around the Arena Connors MELTS him a second time to chants of ‘fuck you Joseph’

Kid Bandit enters to make the save (after celebrating earlier) but Connors is having none of it throwing Bandit around the ring before hitting a DDT and melting Bandit to the dish with belt “what a wanker”

Verdict: A superb Main Event for the title with all 4 competitors looking incredible. Warhorse easily walks away with MVP of the match, what a showing from him and he even gets the visual win so we can circle back to that. However, everyone was getting big spot after spot and the 4 men worked amazingly together. The heat on Connors as the first champ is palpable. This matchup was booked to perfection…

My Score: 5/5

After the show, Simon Miller charges the ring in beast mode but security including Mr Shotty Horroh himself comes out to keep the two apart and send Connors to the back. For that Miller gets a Golden Up! What a show.

So there we have it SovPro has had its first night and it was 8 great matches with a strong roster of talent. Some ready-made stars in there and I look forward to Heavy is the Head in February.

For more info on Sovereign Pro Wrestling, check out the official website AND you can watch First Reign for FREE, when it debuts on the promotion’s YouTube channel later tonight!


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