24th Mar2020

‘MLW: Fusion’ Wrestling Review (March 21st 2020)

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to this week’s MLW: Fusion review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and Michael Apted is a good director, but not always the most interesting fella. On this episode of Homeland, we ask ourselves why this show is still on the f—— air. Claire Danes knows where the bodies are buried and Killer Kross is still here, because he already filmed the footage before he signed with the WWE.


Match #1: El Lindaman defeated Zenshi

The following is courtesy of mlw.com:

Zenshi has his shoulder wrapped up due to his rendevous with Dominic Garrini, but it doesn’t slow the Chilean luchadore. He quickness leads to he and Lindaman running into an atheletic stalemate. The two quickly slap hands in respect, but Lindaman goes right on the attack. Zenshi is the first to get a pin attempt, but El Lindamen flies on top of Zenshi via a suicide senton, and the Strongheart is fired up. Zenshi goes for a handspring back splash in the corner but Lindaman launches him for a Dragon Suplex, Zenshi lands on his feet, but Lindaman captures his opponent down for his cross armbreaker submission The only thing that saves Zenshi from submitting is his left foot finding the bottom rope. Lindaman goes for one powerful German suplex, but Zenshi ties his feet up in the ropes. Lindaman calls an audible and gives him a Northern Lights suplex into the corner and then seamlessly launches him into a German suplex, sending his foe in the middle of the ring. Only a two count, however! A back-flip kick gives Zenshi a second chance and finds himself the first to his feet. The two men slug it out, but Zenshi remains one step ahead with some kick flurries. Lindaman catches Zenshi with a blue thunder bomb, and then rattles Zenshi with a fierce Tiger Suplex for the 1-2-3 victory.

My Opinion: 3.3 out of 5 – This was a fun burst of adrenaline that made for an easy watch. Both of these guys have plenty of potential and that is apparent from the ring of the bell. There’s all sorts of cool moves happening here, so I’ll just say that it all turns out well by the time we get to the finish. I really hope we get more from these two together, because this was an exuberant bout with all the wrestling action it should have had.

Match #2: The Blue Meanie defeated Richard Holiday

The following is courtesy of mlw.com:

Mance enters before his mystery man does and he states that this man is familiar with making Philadelphia “extreme” and in enters none other than The Blue Meanie! Philly erupts with “BWO” chants as Mancer’s man with all the moves dances his way to the ring before celebrating with the Philly crowd. Bell rings with some “Let’s Go Meanie” chants backing it, but Richard tries to stifle such with a Meanie dance of his own. The two have a brief dance off, but Holliday asks Meanie to make the most of the moment by dancing together. Meanie gives Hollday a dance 101 session, but it’s just a way to get Meanie’s back turned and Holliday goes on the attack. Holliday stomps and knees Meanie down, but Meanie jabs Holliday down before taking a charge at Richard in the corner. A well placed elbow allows Holliday to viciously attacks Meanie which gets Mance fired up from the commentary booth. Rich goes outside to talk trash before taking a beer from Mancer’s stash. He then dumps out said beer and that really gets under Warner’s skin. Holliday goes to enter back in the ring, but Mance spins him around for a Muta-esque mist of Bud Light, baby. Holliday is blinded and by this time the 20 count is reached. Richard is disqualified!

My Opinion: .2 out of 5 – Eh…at least Meanie got some money.

Match #3: (Main Event) The Von Erichs, Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Killer Kross defeated Tom Lawlor, Erick Stevens, Dominic Garrini and Kit Osbourne

The following is courtesy of mlw.com:

Tom Lawlor feels right at home in “this garbage city, ‘Filthadelphia.’ There’s a crowd full of people who considers themselve to be smart marks and implores the crowd to take a selfie of establishment and then throw their phones the Walt Whitman bridge. Some unsavory chants for Team Filthy which prompts him to say “screw this place.” Out comes their opponents who look very much on the same page and no time is wasted as the bout begins in an all-out brawl. All of the action takes place outside. It’s an old fashioned Donnybrook akin to The Broad Street Bullies, notes Bocchini. It’s Lawlor and Ross Von Erich to start things off on the canvas as both teams take position on the apron. Ross lays Lawlor down with a slingblade and a beautiful dropkick. Ross runs for a knee in Team Filthy’s corner but misses and Erick Stevens goes on the attack. That opens up Stevens for a harsh stretch and Lawlor gets back in to take advantage. European Uppercut and jabs before tagging Stevens back in. Lawlor suplexes Stevens into RVE and in comes Garrini who delivers a belly to back breaker on Ross. In comes Rip who kicks Ross in the spine several time. A well place clothesline gives Rip a two count. An enziguiri allows Kross to come in hot and it’s suplexes for all before staring down Tom Lawlor. A spinning heel kick connects with Kross, but he shoots right back up to dump Lawlor down with belly-to-back. Rip comes in and ducks, causing Kross to hit the official. Kross checks on the ref and Rip low blows DB. Rip comes back in with a steel chair but Marshall meets him with a Claw! He slams Rip down before splashing him with a picture perfect moonsault. The 1-2-3 is administered.

My Opinion: 3.3 out of 5 – This was all about Kross suplexing people to death. Actually, there were plenty of excellent moves here, but this was still all about Kross as the special attraction. There was some smooth wrestling here, which didn’t turn this into an all-time classic, but did help make this a fun way to end the show.

Final Verdict: 3.2/5

This was a fun show that, you guessed it, needed more wrestling.


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