08th Oct2019

‘Archie: Vol. 2’ Graphic Novel Review

by Chris Cummings

Written by Marc Waid | Art by Veronica Fish | Published by Archie Comics | Format: Paperback, 176pp


I’m a big fan of Archie Comics, as can he heard on articles I’ve penned on Nerdy about that world, and I really loved the new relaunch when it happened, which kicked off wonderfully with the first volume. Written by Mark Waid, with art from Veronica Fish, the second volume requires that you only need to read Volume 1, and nothing prior. The whole world of Archie that is out there was relaunched, so just grab the new stuff and get stuck in.

The art again is on-point here, it looks bloody lovely. The first volume saw the delicious visuals of Fiona Staples (Saga) and this time Veronica Fish, whose other work includes the awesome BOOM! Studios series, Slam, and Marvel titles like Spider Woman and Howard the Duck. Her art fits perfectly with Archie, providing a less realistic drawing style than Staples, and a more traditional cartoonishness. It’s like Staples’ Archie had a baby with the old-school Archie Comics from days gone by, and it’s flipping delightful.

The story itself continues, obviously, from where the first volume ended. Answering some of the questions asked in that first volume, while providing new questions of its own, it’s funny and dramatic in the way we expect from these books. Less on the comedic and comic-strip end of things like the original Archie Comics were, this series focuses more on building these characters and reinventing them for new audiences and it works. It’s charming and quirky, and full of those relationships that sit at the heart and soul of the books. We get to see more of Veronica Lodge this time around and learn about who she is underneath the hardened exterior we were introduced to back in Volume 1. I love the main four characters from Archie, I mean… who doesn’t? This highlights them more, builds the world and continues to develop their relationships.

The usual antics are on display here from the gang, and it builds beautifully on the first volume, giving us more of the characters and more of the world itself. There’s suspense among the funny parts, and in the end it sells the next volume, like all good comic books should. A strong and breezy book that continues in the same positive and energetic way as it began. Volume 3… I’m coming for you!

***** 5/5

See my review of Archie: Vol. 1 right here.

Thanks a lot to the folks over at Turnaround UK for sending many of the Archie books to enjoy, allowing me to share these reviews with you fine folks!


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