25th Jun2019

‘See You Yesterday’ Review (Netflix)

by Jak-Luke Sharp

Stars: Eden Duncan-Smith, Danté Crichlow, Astro, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Johnathan Nieves, Michael J. Fox, Myra Lucretia Taylor, Wavyy Jonez, Carlos Arce Jr., Patrice Bell, Khail Bryant, Waliek Crandall, Frank Harts, Allen Holloway | Written by Stefon Bristol, Fredrica Bailey | Directed by Stefon Bristol


See You Yesterday, directed by Stefon Bristol, follows two ambitious technologically and scientific prodigal teenagers C.J. Walker and Sebastian Thomas – played by Eden Duncan-Smith and Danté Crichlow respectively – who manage to create a time machine years after theorising such a scientific achievement. However, what soon starts as smooth sailing slowly broadens out into a dangerous game of trying to alter the past, resulting in damaging consequences that will change the lives of the two and all around them forever.

Of what seems to be just a simplistic and overly eccentric film intended for childlike audiences, soon blossoms into a captivating and socially relevant drama. Producer Spike Lee has so much DNA soaked up in Stefon Bristol’s film. Not to trivialise the subject matter but think along the lines of Back to the Future meets Do the Right Thing. The result is a profoundly provocative and captivating twist on your casual entertainment conventions. It offers a deeply unsettling sense of gravitas. For what starts as a playful and jocular feature soon turns into this moving sentiment on police brutality and racial prejudice.

The two lead performers Eden Duncan-Smith and Danté Crichlow are outstanding. The emotional range and layers they bring, not only in terms of the chemistry and their charismatic friendship but in regard to how they exhibit the dark and adult-oriented material, is nothing short of mesmerising. Their performances ultimately transcend the material with how engaging and powerful their respective characters arcs are. There are moments in here in which even the greatest of emotionally captivating performer would struggle with, yet leading actress Eden Duncan-Smith nails such an emotional embodiment with ease throughout.

Once again Netflix and their constant need to over saturate the films colour palette and over indulgent of a colour grade looks a little silly, and unfortunately makes this feature slightly gimmickier that it should be. However, it has a bliss running time of just over eighty-eight minutes long and makes for a delightfully simplistic and straightforward narrative with little fat or unneeded sequences.

See You Yesterday is available on Netflix now.

One Response to “‘See You Yesterday’ Review (Netflix)”

  • While it is a decent movie, the lack of character development is what makes this movie a no-go on rewatchability for me. I did like the cameo from Michael J. Fox.