20th Jun2017

‘Aquaman #24’ and ‘Superman #24’ Review

by Dan Clark

Aquaman #24

Written by Dan Abnett | Art by Scot Eaton, Wayne Faucher | Published by DC Comics


Aquaman is best as a series when it is basically Game of Thrones underwater. The Crown of Atlantis arc has pretty much been that as Aquaman has been fighting to hold his crown despite the dirty politics and backstabbing that has been going on. By the time this issues ends he may end up losing much more than his beloved title.

Scot Eaton and Wayne Faucher’s art give this book that larger than life feel. The opening pages of Aquaman riding gigantic sea creatures was impressive to behold. Gabe Eltaeb’s colors have a vast pallet making Atlantis look both beautiful and otherworldly. Aquaman can look awfully silly if the wrong tone of color is chosen. Eltaeb circumvents that issue and gives poignancy to what could have been corny character designs.

The Crown of Atlantis did what good arcs should by furthering the story in an exciting new direction and leaving the door open for the next arc to be even better. One where loyalties are tested to their fullest and Aquaman is left picking up to pieces of the world he once knew. Dan Abnett has been quietly building quite the Aquman story since Rebirth and I look forward to where he takes this book next.

***½  3.5/5

Superman #24

Written by Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason | Art by Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza | Published by DC Comics


The one character that benefited the most from Rebirth was no question, Superman. DC used the opportunity to craft some of the best Superman stories in ages. Somehow the kiss of death of most characters, that being getting married and having a kid, lead to a much more personable Superman. Clark Kent’s relationship with his son Jonathan become one of the best things going in comics. It allowed the stories to be smaller and more down to Earth. We even had a great issue that was based on Clark Kent and family going to the county fair.

Since the start of this year, however, a lot of that folksiness that made this series such a pleasant read is gone and replaced with some insane stories involving Superman working with other dimensional versions of himself and other comic book craziness. With issue twenty-four we get a small bit of what made this series great once before, unfortunately, it still comes off as a story that is much bigger than it needs to be.

The issue does not open well as we have a two-page spread full of unimportant characters and what feels like endless dialog balloons.  This issue is very much a call back to Action Comics #775 where Superman previously faced off with Manchester Black. Where the problem lies is this is rehashing nearly the same conflict that was dealt with prior and not adding much. Yes with Jonathan there it does add a new wrinkle, but what is odd is how unconcerned Superman has been about Jonathan these last two issues. Tomasi got so wrapped up in his homage he forgets the personal element that made it such a fascinating. I have hope he can bring it back in the next issue based on the way he ends this installment. Once this arc is completed hopefully this book can get back to what made it so great when it first relaunched.

** 2/5


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