‘Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #3.3’ Review
Written by George Mann | Art by Mariano Laclaustra | Published by Titan Comics
Normal service is resumed as, after last issue’s very good stand alone story , we return back to part 2 of George Mann’s ‘Beneath the Waves’ arc. It is always a little jarring when an ongoing storyline, such as this, is interrupted in mid-flow by a fill-in as the story loses some of its momentum, and you forget what came before. Sounds like recap time to me.
The Doctor has renewed acquaintances with Hattie, described as a ‘punk space-bassist rock star’, and taken her to, of all places, Seaton Bay in 1979 for, of all reasons, the best fish and chips anywhere in the galaxy. Supposedly a relaxing getaway for Hattie, going through a little personal crisis of her own, it soon became anything but. The Doctor went on the hunt for mysterious sea creatures that had been recently sighted, while Hattie endured nightmares, bizarrely in black and white. Even more bizarrely, most of the local inhabitants were having those same black and white dreams. When we left The Doctor, he was confronted by a bizarre seaweed creature, as Hattie struggled under psychic attack.
Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour, and The Doctor decides to retreat and hole up in the local hotel. Partly because he has a handful of locals with him and wants to protect them, and partly because that one seaweed monster has turned out to be several. The Doctor surmises they are psychic golems of sorts, and their psychic projections are what is affecting Hattie, who seems receptive to them. Not attacks as such it seems. Well not psychic attacks, but certainly ones as the seaweed creatures start smashing through windows to get in the hotel, a rather fab little nod to every zombie movie ever. The Doctor is particularly annoyed as he is making himself a cup of tea.
Hattie, being more gung ho than most, decides to attack a seaweed creature with a fire hose, and amazingly it works. The creature evaporates away. That’s the good news. The bad news? The Doctor has collapsed, seemingly in the same coma that has been afflicting a lot of the locals. Hattie and the guests then have to face the fact the seaweed monsters are increasing in number, and surrounding the entire hotel. Just as Hattie is about to fight off the first to reach them, The Doctor reappears, back on his feet and with a plan to boot. Well, a plan of sorts. The Doctor feels the creatures have been sent to take him, and so allows himself to be captured so as to spare the rest of the town. Don’t think he planned on being dragged into the ocean though.
Really enjoyed this issue, had a nice retro feel, really felt like an old 1970’s Jon Pertwee Doctor adventure. Low budget, but chock full of atmosphere and character. Very much a genre piece, and all the better for it. The Doctor is dialogued perfectly, and Hattie makes a great companion as she has a distinct character and a feistiness that compliments The Doctor’s. She is one companion that does not need rescuing. The art and colouring was outstanding, perfectly laid out and paced. The two page spread of Hattie under psychic attack was especially good. This issue was one of those times when the writing and art perfectly synched, and helped cover the fact there wasn’t a whole lot substance in here, and not a great deal of moving the story forward. We don’t care though, as we enjoyed it all so much.
Barring any future interruptions, I look forward to next month’s suitably watery wrap up. Do Doctor’s have swimming trunks?
**** 4/5