‘God Country #3’ Review
Written by Donny Cates | Art by Geoff Shaw, Jason Wordie, John J. Hill | Published by Image Comics
I am a tad behind on comic reviews this month due to our excursion to Wales for SFW8 (for more on that check out podcast episode 70, coming to Nerdly tomorrow). However I am back and wanted to start with Image’s God Country #3 or as I like to call it “The best damn comic on the market right now”.
Last issue we left Emmett Quinlan having made the choice to keep the God Sword in his possession, telling the other Gods to sling there hook (paraphrasing) and he is starting to form a little bit of a bond with Valofax (the sword).
Writer Donny Cates kicks off the third issue by giving us some time to breathe and process the events of the first two issues. We are given some nice husband and wife back and forth showing us just how stressful life was before Emmett turned all powerful and the sorts of things that crossed his sons mind in midst of his dads terrible disease. Meanwhile Emmett is getting to know his granddaughter a little more but she only seems interested in playing with Valofax and of course Valofax gives us a little bit of exposition (nothing wrong with that).
Of course what we have learned in the first two, sterling, issues is that Cates while showing his strengths during times of intense dialogue… Well lets be honest he just cant wait to start turning things bat-shit on there head. Ending this issue with more epic sword play battles and a bastard of a surprise ending taking us into issue four, which normally I would of been pissed off about, but I am running late with this review so next issue is not too long at all.
Again, all issue three has done has cement God Country at the top of my pull list. Donny Cates is crafting a beautiful epic story here, that has not turned itself away from the harsh reality’s of Alzheimer’s with the conversations had within the pages. Geoff Shaw is nailing this book on Art duties, this is a visually pleasing story and Shaw’s attention when it comes to the big action splash panels is superb.
I for one am glad God Country exists and cant wait to see where our adventure with Emmett Quinlan is going to take us.
God Country #3 is out now from Image Comics.