22nd Mar2017

‘Switch or Die Trying’ Review (PC)

by Paul Metcalf


Platform games had to adapt to survive in the latest generations of gaming, and they did so in many ways. You have the 3D style where the open world environment extended the way platforms were interacted with, then you had the ones that stayed 2D (or 2D.5) and upped the challenge. This is where Switch or Die Trying finds its home, in the challenge.

Much like Super Meat Boy, the idea behind Switch or Die Trying is to take a fairly simple character and put them through hell to make it through a system of complicated levels. Where Switch or Die Trying differs is that to reach extra heights you can change the character from a small I to a capital one.

Adding to the ability to jump higher, there is also the ability to shoot at objects to change their state. These states can also be altered when you switch the size of your character. Levels start off quite easy at first, then the challenge (not surprisingly) is quickly upped. With Super Meat Boy used as a comparison you can also guess that this game is hard, very hard.

With around 75 levels to play through there is plenty of gameplay to be found, but what also works to make it interesting is the overall cartoon style of the game. There aren’t any bloody guts and gore like Super Meat Boy here, but there is plenty of death to be found. Making it through the levels is a lot of trial and error, and of course skill.

While I was able to play Switch or Die Trying with a keyboard, the game plays the best with a controller. This should be no surprise really, as this is what you could to expect of modern platform games now. It is a shame that it is harder to use the keyboard, but as most of us will have a controller now this shouldn’t really be that much of an issue

When looking at who Switch or Die Trying is aimed at, it comes as no real surprise really that it is very much for platform game fans who like a challenge. The game is unforgiving in its style, and it is designed to be hard. There are plenty of people who like this level of challenge and Switch or Die Trying is very much aimed at them.

While I’m not much a fan of platform games like this, Switch or Die Trying is a disarmingly cute game that welcomes you in, then when it has its claws in you keeps you wanting to play to the next level. One of those games you’ll keep on coming back to for more, it’s a nice change from all the first-person shooters and adventure games that can dominate my time.

**** 4/5

Switch or Die Trying is available on the PC now.

Review originally posted on PissedOffGeek

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