27th Feb2017

365Flicks Podcast – Episode 64: One Big Lie

by Phil Wheat


Here’s the latest episode of the 365Flick podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly. If you haven’t heard the show yet, you can check out previous episodes on Podomatic and Libsyn, whilst we’ll be featuring each and every new episode as it premieres.

365Flicks Podcast – Episode 64: One Big Lie.. News.. Hacksaw Ridge / The Lego Batman Movie / Gold / Assassin’s Creed.. Top5 Brit Actresses

This weeks episode is our regular fortnightly dose of Movie/ TV/ Games and all other good stuff we know you love. We start with our usual general banter. Then the Big Ben Bongs take us into the News, including Award night Politics and a rant about DC internet trolls… From there we take you into our Quickie Reviews section including our night out at an honest to goodness Play, One Big Lie.

Reviewed in this Episode: Moana (Kev kinda loved this), Bleed For This (Chris trusted Kev’s critique), Assassins Creed (Kev thinks don’t waste your time), The Lego Batman Movie (Kev was not happy with this flick), Hacksaw Ridge (Chris predicts many Oscars), Gold (Kev was pleasantly surprised), Legion (Chris thinks Kev should give it more time), Leathal Weapon (Kev is dropping this after the pilot), Gotham S3 (Kev loving this), The Walking Dead (We may be dropping this completely), Uncharted Game (Chris dreams of Nathan Drake), One Big Lie (Play).
We finish up the show with our Top5 which this week is in honor of the Lead Performance put in By Racheal Cox in One Big Lie and we talk Top5 Brit Actresses.

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