Film4 FrightFest 2015 – Artwork & ticket details revealed
If you’ve been reading Nerdly for some time you know that the UK’s premiere horror festival, Frightfest, is a major event for not only the site but me personally. You see London’s Frightfest is, for a horror fan like myself, like Christmas in August! Seeing the mix of new movies, big budget and not-so-big budget, always makes my year – Honestly I’m like a kid in a candy shop running from screen to screen trying to see as many films as possible and bring you reviews of each and every one; which usually ends of with me suffering from exhaustion come the final day! But that’s part of the fun…
With this years Frightfest only a couple of months away organisers have unveiled the official artwork, from artist Graham Humphreys (Evil Dead), as well and details on tickets and pricing:
Graham explains his thoughts behind his artwork:
While I was looking for a theme for this year’s poster, I ran with the idea of Magic. At a recent visit to the incredible Cinema Museum in Kennington (one of my favourite haunts) I was admiring their extensive collection, among which I noticed a number of Victorian ‘Magic Lanterns’. This formed the basis if my concept, the idea of magical projection through one of these exotic devices. Running with the theme, I took the application of Aleister Crowley’s ‘Magik’ rituals and placed our regular FrightFest monster posed in the distinctive manner of one of the best known photographs of ‘The Beast’. Using the projection device, a legion of demons is unleashed, surround by magical symbols. They – just as we will – are enjoying the shared spectacle generated by the satanic lamp.
Frightfest 2015 takes place at the Vue Cinema, Leicester Sq between Thursday Aug 27th and Monday August 31st. The festival will be using six screens at the Vue, one more than last year. Expect to see north of 80 films and events in the programme. A festival pass this year will cost £185. Day passes are Thursday – £30, Friday and Saturday £60, Sunday and Monday £50. Single tickets this year will be £13.25.
Festival and day pass sales will commence on July 4th at 10am and will only be available online. Single tickets will go on sale on July 18th through the VUE website, call centre and at the cinema for personal callers.