‘Death Sentence: London #1’ Review
Written by Montynero | Art by Martin Simmonds | Published by Titan Comics | Format: Paperback, 32pp
When it comes to comics I often find myself waiting for the graphic novels versions instead, so I can binge read instead of having to wait a month for the next part of the story. Death Sentence: London is one comic though that I couldn’t hold off on, hopefully it will live up to my expectations…
Following straight off from where we last left the story Death Sentence: London looks at the aftermath of the battle in London. With the main question being what happened to Weasel and Verity we catch up with the characters as well as getting a few hints as to what the next evolution of the G-Plus virus will be, and that is an international one.
I have to admit I was impressed with Death Sentence: London #1 because of the focus it has on how such a massive event would affect London. Using real life idiots like Boris Johnson (but changing his name to something much more amusing) we see the authorities looking to strike down on the civilians who are ready to riot in a city that is ripe for rebellion and we catch up on the more important characters, that being Weasel and Verity.
The job of the first part of Death Sentence: London is to catch a new audience as well as keep the fans of the previous story interested, and I do feel that this definitely was accomplished. New readers may feel a little confused because of the lack of knowledge of exactly what G-Plus is and how it has affected people, and in truth this is something that should be found out by going back to the previous editions of the comic, or simply be understood as “G-Plus gives people powers”…simple really. For people who want answers on where the story is heading, they just have to look at the pages that focus on events in America to find that answer.
Comics are a two-part form of entertainment where the power is not only in the story itself but in the artwork which plays a part in conveying the words on the page. If the artwork lacks the impact then arguably the writer can’t convey their story to the audience in a form that they hoped. With Death Sentence: London I really felt that the artwork matched the story it was trying to convey perfectly. While the authority figures try to control a problem that is out of control are quite dull, the G-Plus heroes and villains are colourful and full of life and we can’t help but feel an affinity for them instead, even if they are the bad guys in some cases. Weasel and Verity are our heroes, so making the pages where they appear explode with colour is the perfect way to make sure that our eyes are attracted to the people that really matter.
So is Death Sentence: London #1 a successful start to the next chapter of Death Sentence? I would argue yes, especially because of the satirical view of the world it takes. I will admit that there was less of an anarchic feel to this first part of the story, but this is understandable as in story terms this is where we require more answers than action and we definitely get the answers that are required. If you are new to Death Sentence you may want to backtrack and read about the events that have already taken place before Death Sentence: London #1 and come back feeling all knowledged up, for those already experienced in the world of Death Sentence it is fair to say this is the perfect welcome back to Weasel and Verity. Now… just bring on the anarchy.
***** 5/5
Death Sentence: London #1 will be available June 10th.