‘Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2’ Book Review
There is no getting away from the fact that “geeks” love art, whether it’s the TV obsessed people who post gif files on Tumblr from their favourite shows or movie fans who find movie based art from around the internet and post it on social media, art infiltrates the social side of entertainment and infests the mind of the fans. And why not? It’s awesome and when truly inventive can be truly striking. That is why I love Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2.
When I first got Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2 to review the first thing I noticed was The Shining picture on the front featuring Jack Nicholson. This is the perfect way to get the attention of readers. Seth Rogan gives an introduction then we get to the important part of the book – the artwork – featuring movies such as Back to the Future, Robocop, Ghostbusters, Shaun of the Dead and many more, there is a chance that you’ve seen many of the pictures in the book posted on Twitter and other social media but they’re is just the tip of the iceberg, and this is why the book is a must buy.
The fun of a book like Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2 is to thumb through the pages and instantly recognise the movie that it is based on. Whether this is Scott Pilgrim, The Warriors, Twin Peaks or Suspiria, fans of movies from many genres will see films they love. On the internet we tend to see a lot of art shared around, some for sale or some just making their way around Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr and travelling through the sheer fact that people see the image and they share it. On Tumblr for example you see these images shared thousands of times, and this is the beauty of art of course that it can be shared, though I’m sure some of the artists would love to see some monetary gain for their hard work. When these pictures make their way into books like Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2 they will get some money for their work, and they do deserve it because there is not one work of art in the book that is a let down.
The fact is I’m not an art expert but I am a film fan and what I love is that a book like Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2 can take the average geek and show them that an artist has the same love for something they hold dear and has spent hours, days maybe weeks or more in creating art that speaks to your obsession, and that their love for the subject is shown in their inventiveness. Some of the work you’ll see in this book show that instead of just taking a character and painting them, the artist has created something based on the theme of the movie, or a number of movies.
To be honest I can’t really see much negative when I thumb through the pages of Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2 but I love movies, so if there are people out there who hate all movies (impossible I know) then they won’t get much out of this book. For film fans though who want to see some truly inspirational works of arts based on their favourite movies this book is a must have.
Crazy4Cult: Cult Movie Art 2 is out now from Titan Books. You can read our review of the first Crazy4Cult book here.